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You didn't sleep last night. You were too busy trying to study for the upcoming exams. It was hard for you to concentrate now in class as the teacher spoke. Your eyes felt heavier by each second that passed. It was hard for you to keep your eyes open and all of a sudden they closed.

Some seconds later your eyes opened, your head was on your desk and you were surprised how quiet it got. Too quiet.

What if the teacher made everyone quiet because he noticed I fell asleep.. I really don't want to get in trouble..

You slowly raise your head, looking in the direction of the blackboard. But you couldn't see the teacher. As your eyes looked around the classroom you noticed that nobody was in class.

Did the school already finish? Did I sleep that long? That would explain why the lights are already off.. But why did nobody wake me up then..

You let a sigh out before standing up and packing your things, pulling your schoolbag over your shoulder. You grabbed your phone and pressed the turn on button but it didn't work.

"Huh..", your eyebrows raised in confusion.

I'm sure that I charged it last night.. And before it worked too.. Is it broken?

You tried again. But nothing worked.

You let a sigh out before heading out of the classroom. Not paying attention to the things around you, you just walked the stairs down. Not noticing that the clocks didn't work either. Nothing did.

You walked out of the school, raising your head and stopping with every move you just were doing.

The usual busy and full street infront of the school was empty. Only some cars were parking in the middle of the street but not even one person was around.

What.. is happening?

You felt like you were dreaming. Nothing seemed right. You rubbed nervously your face, having hope everything would go back to normal when you put your hands away.

But as soon as you put your hands away, everyone was still gone. You turnt around yourself checking if you're really the only person in whole tokyo and it seemed exactly like that.

"Hello?!", you tried to be quiet and loud at the same time.

Somehow you had a bad feeling if you were too loud zombies would come and try to eat you. Your brain probably thought that because of all the zombie movies you've watched already.

But also you wanted to know if you are really the only person. Till now it felt like you were.

Your breath got heavier and you felt your heartbeat getting faster. Your eyes slowly filled up with tears, letting them rolling down your cheeks.

You wanted this to be a nightmare and that you would wake up soon. You didn't want to be alone in this big city or even in the whole world.

- - - - -


I finished Alice in Borderland in one night and since then I'm obsessed with it. It's really my new favourite tv show. I just love the idea of this concept and with the characters name that lead to Alice in Wonderland. And I love the most all those actors who play their characters so well.

I'm sorry that this chapter is not that long and not really interessting. I promise it'll get better by the next chapters.

I hope you liked it!

And happy new year to everybody! Hope you celebrate(d) well 🎉

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