Baby Casey-Nolan-Severide Part 3(All Chicago)

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Image Oder: Conner Rhodes, Will Halstead and Kayla age 17.

Last Time On Baby Casey-Nolan-Severide Part 2: Kayla meets 21 District and The Intelligence Unit. She tried to stab Voight a couple of times and once got him, he thought it was a bad guy. Theodore Kaylas older half-brother and James, his best friend, got engaged. Kayla was with the Dawson family for a week, and poured ice cold water on her cousins Diego and Eva every morning that week. Matt Casey was proud of Kayla when he found out she stabbed Voight.

Background: Connor Rhodes and Will Halstead are watching 17-year-old Kayla Madeline Astrid Casey-Nolan-Severide. Both having a shift, Kayla has to come into Med with them. Everyone falls in love with the Baby Casey-Nolan-Severide.


Casey and Severide

Cindy and Herrmann

Conner and Will

Lincoln and Oliver

Hailey and Jay

Theodore and James


Kayla Age 17

POV: Connor Rhodes

Kayla Madeline Astrid Casey-Nolan-Severide, comes into work with Will and I because we both have work. Once we get there Will and I get ready and Kayla just sits there waiting for us to get down. Once we are done we go and tell Maggie to watch Kayla.

Hey Maggie, can you do us a big favor? asked Will

Sure, what is it? asked Maggie

This Kayla Madeline Astrid Casey-Nolan-Severide, we had to come into work and she is out of school and doesnt have anything going on. She isn't allowed to be alone, because she got 21 District and The Intelligence Unit. I said

Sure, Hi Kayla Im Maggie. said Maggie and Kayla rolled her eyes at Will and me.

Guys we got The Intelligence Unit coming in something about Sergeant Voight being stabbed. said Maggie, as Will and I looked at Kayla with a face that said what did you do.

I got Will with me. I said

Hey Sergeant Voight, how are you doing today? asked Kayla

Great, she is everywhere. said Sergeant Voight

Well my Papa, Papi, Uncle Herrmy and the rest of my family are busy. So I came in with Uncle Will and Uncle Conner. said Kayla, as she got out her sketchbook.

Who stabbed you? asked Ruzek

I dont know, the knife came out of nowhere. said Sergeant Voight, as Hailey, Jay, Mouse, Antonio, Theodore, James, Will and I all looked at Kayla and rolled our eyes.

After the shift Our little family all met up and told Kelly and Matt what Kayla had done. Lets just say they were proud of her, mostly Matt. Matt said that we needed to have a party for Kayla so we did. Our small family came over to Matts, Kellys and Kaylas apartment and had a party.

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