The Halstead and Casey-Severide Family Part 3(All Chicago)

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Images in order go: Top Line: Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz, Jay Halstead, Gracelyn Marie Gerwitz-Halstead, Madeline Amethyst Gerwitz-Halstead, Hailey Upton, Laura Dawson, Antonio Dawson, Diego Dawson, and Eva Dawson. Middle Line: Conner Rhodes, Will Halstead, Adelaide Genevieve Halstead-Rhodes, Anthony Owen Halstead-Rhodes, David Jay Halstead-Rhodes, Ethan Choi, April Sexton and Maggie Lockwood. Bottom Line: Kelly Severide, Matthew Casey, Owen Noah Thomas-Casey, Charlotte Abigail Anderson-Severide, Gabriela Leslie Shay Casey-Severide, Gabriela Dawson and Leslie Shay.

Part four: The Children of Conner and Will: Chicago Med

Day 4

POV: Adelaide Genevieve Halstead-Rhodes

Im Adelaide Genevieve Halstead-Rhodes. I have a Step-Brother named Anthony Owen Halstead-Rhodes and a Half-Brother named David Jay Halstead-Rhodes, but I just think of them like my Little Brothers. Im 19, Anthony is 10 and David is 6. My Dad is Doctor Will Halstead-Rhodes and my Step-Dad is Doctor Conner Halstead-Rhodes. My Uncles are Jay Gerwitz-Halstead, Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz-Halstead, Antonio Dawson, Matthew Casey-Severide, Kelly Casey-Severide, and Ethan Choi. My Aunts are Hailey Upton, Laura Dawson, Gabriela Dawson, Leslie Shay, Maggie Lockwood and April Sexton. My cousins are Diego and Eva Dawson, Gracelyn Marie and Madeline Amethyst Gerwitz-Halstead, Charlotte Abigail Anderson-Severide, Owen Noah Thomas-Casey, Gabriela Leslie Shay Casey-Severide.

Since I can drive and my brothers wanted to go see our Dads. I get them in the car and drive to Chicago Med. Once we get there I help get David out and take my brothers hands and we walk into the hospital. Once we get in we run into one of the doctors.

Miss, you and your children cant go in there. You have to wait for a nurse to come and get you. said the person that works the waiting room.

Aline, we want to see Papa and Dad. said David

I know Davey, Im going to take us to them now Buddy. I said, as I picked up Davey

Ade, Tony, and Baby Red, what are you doing here? asked Aunt April

Ant and Davey wanted to see Dad and Papa. I said as we walked in with Aunt April.

Once we get in, Ant walks off and I sit Davey down. I then walked off to where my brothers went. Once I found my brothers we started to lay pranks down and then walked back to the Nurses desk. Once we got there we saw our Dad and Papa Cons and hugged them.

Adelaide, why are you and your brothers here? asked Dad

They want you Dad and Papa. I said

You better have not caused any trouble. said Papa Cons

Who, but paint at the bathroom door? asked Nat I think

Nat, what happened? asked Dad, while my brothers and I laughed

Adelaide Genevieve, Anthony Owen and David Jay, what do you do? asked Dad and Papa Cons, as they looked at us with eyes of you are in trouble.

Nothing, said Ant, Davey and Me.

Adelaide Genevieve, Anthony Owen and David Jay, why is there glue on my doctor coat? asked Uncle Ethan, as he came up to us.

What is with all the sparkles on my ID Badge? asked Ms. Goodwin

Ant, I said No to that. I said

Sorry Sis, I meant to get Dads and Papa Wills not her. said Ant

Adelaide Genevieve, Anthony Owen and David Jay Halstead-Rhodes, why are Gracelyn and Madaline are better than you guys are. You three are 19, 10 and 6. said Dad

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