045; corbyn bailed on her

Start from the beginning

"I texted her last night just to check up on her." Jack added into the conversation as they all turned to him, "she said she's okay she's just processing her feelings and calming herself down completely, she doesn't want to talk to him when she's still angry to avoid saying something she could regret."

"I love that girl's thought process." Daniel shook his head, "she doesn't want to say anything she could regret so she's allowing herself to be angry by herself... wow. What a woman."

"So he wasn't listening at the meeting last week," Zach furrowed his eyebrows, "did he not send her a text to cancel the date?"

"Nope." Jonah said, "he was running late to the event because he was getting ready for his date with her... he never got a chance to send the text."

"Makes me sad because she was so hyped for it too." Jack sunk into his seat slightly, "she loves love and I feel bad for her because he ruined her day."

"At least she-"

Daniel's sentence was cut off by the door to the studio opening and an upset Corbyn walking into the room, placing himself in his seat facing away from everyone and returning back to staring at his laptop screen while the four of them stared at him.

"What'd he say?" Jonah asked Corbyn.

With a huff, Corbyn pushed his chair away from his desk and turned it round to face his band members, already sunk into his seat and his arms folded in frustration, "I have a meeting with him and Rosy in a couple days time to discuss the future of our fake relationship."

"Okay." Daniel frowned slightly, "that's all?"

"And that if I paid attention and wasn't so in my head all the time about a 'silly girl' then maybe I could actually be on time to things and be good at it." Corbyn shrugged, "so... it was a pretty pointless meeting, could've been an email."

"I wish she sent me a picture of her outfit though," he frowned, picking up his phone from the table, "she looked so pretty."

Jack and Zach glanced to each other in slight confusion before looking back at the boy sat staring at his phone screen, glancing over to Daniel and Jonah who seemed to be slightly smiling at one another before they looked back at Corbyn too.

"You know something." Jack spoke up as his eyes narrowed at Daniel, "and so does Jonah."

"What?" Jonah asked, "can we not smile, Jack?"

"He said she looked pretty and then you two smiled at each other," Jack explained, "what do you know about them?"

"There's nothing to know about us." Corbyn said, "I can call her pretty."

"It's pretty obvious now you mention it." Zach spoke up, "you didn't even say she was your fake valentine until we questioned it."

"...Have you two got a little fling going in?" Jack asked with a small smile as Corbyn rolled his eyes and his face turned a subtle shade of red, "that confirms it."

"It's not a fling." Corbyn frowned.

"So have you kissed her?" Zach leant forward in his seat as he grinned, "please say you have."

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