The Haitanis' House

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Ran's keys jingle as he opens the front door to his and Rindou's shared house. He pushes it open and looks to me and Orchid.

"Come on in!" He smiles.

We all walk in and it's shocking how ordinary the house is. The size of it is definitely unusual but everything else is pretty normal for a house owned by two guys. Orchid, who's covered in mud, tries to jump on the couch in the living room but I catch her.

"I don't mind Orchid sitting on the couch but I don't think Rindou would so let's give her a bath first."

"Sure but what about our clothes?"

My clothes had just gotten dirtier from holding Orchid.

"Well Rindou's quite small so I would say wear his clothes but he'd also definitely notice if they went missing so..." he pauses to think.

"Ran you know there's only one option left?"

"Yeah I know it's just... my clothes are designer so I wouldn't want them to get ruined."

"Are you serious?"

Would he really let me stay in wet clothes just because his are too "bougie" for me.

"I mean you could always go nake-"

"Not another word Haitani." I scowl at him.

"Sorry~ You can have my clothes." Ran apologised quickly at my threat. "Let's wash Orchid first. That would probably be the most difficult task."

I nod and he leads me, who's holding Orchid, to the bathroom upstairs which is attached to his room. Ran's room, while still quite messy, was not as bad as I thought it would be. The bed is unmade and his desk is very crowded but his shelves are neatly organised with the books all lined up perfectly and a small collection of alcohol next to them.

We enter the bathroom which is very clean with obvious care taken into it. The countertop has some hair products lying here and there but it's not an excessive amount. The cleanliness of the bathroom made me slightly self conscious about the state of me and the mess I would create with the mud. Ran takes Orchid in one arm and smiles before running the water of the bath.

"Sorry about the mess..." I blush. "I can clean it up for you."

Ran just laughs.

"What are you, my maid? Relax it's not that big of a deal."

"It is! I clean up after myself, especially in someone else's house!" I explain to him with a slightly raised voice but not to the point where I was yelling.

Ran puts Orchid in the water with a bit of soap added in. He then looks to me.

"Don't worry about it. You're a guest here so you don't have to clean up anything apart from Orchid now give me a hand~" His tone was serious at first but very quickly lightened as he grabbed my wrist and gently pulled me closer to the bath with Orchid.

Orchid barked in delight as the two of us sat and played with her.

"Hey, do you know what my name means?" He asks while still petting Orchid and focusing his attention on her.

"Hmm? No I don't."

"My name means Orchid, funny right?"

"That's quite a coincidence." I laugh and look back to Orchid who's staring to splash water at us.

Ran stands up and sticks his hand out to help me up which I accept. He quickly goes to his room and comes back with some clothes of his.

"I'll change in my room and you can change here." Ran explains.

He leaves and I soon start changing. His clothes were pretty big but they were comfortable atleast. I take a towel and lay it on the floor before carefully picking up Orchid and placing her on it. She wriggled about while I swaddled her in it. She looked so cute that it made my heart melt and I didn't even notice Ran standing at the doorframe. I turn with Orchid in my arms which is when I saw him.

"Oh! I didn't realise you had finished."

"Yeah..." Ran smiles.

Ran walks over to the countertop and picks up his hair dryer from it.

"Here, let me dry your hair. You'll catch a cold." He offers.

I agree and walk to Ran, away from the bath and leave Orchid in the towel which she freed herself from but decided to stay in its warmth. Ran grabs a stool for him to sit on and I sit down in front of him. He puts the hair dryer on a low setting and grabs a small section of my hair. The way his hands comb through my hair is so relaxing and I feel at ease.

"Your hair's so pretty."

"Thank you." I blush slightly at the compliment.

Ran chuckles slightly and carries on drying my hair.

"Can I braid your hair? I miss braiding other people's hair." He calmly voices.

Ran is usually so energetic so him talking so smoothly was a bit of a shock to me.

"Sure, I don't mind."

Ran uses a tail comb to separate my hair into two even sections. As he continues to brush my hair of any knots, he holds the hair ties in his mouth and keeps a watchful eye on Orchid at the same time. I don't really have my hair styled by other people but the way Ran does it is so soothing and his touch is very gentle. He finally takes one section and separates it into three smaller parts and weaves them around each other till he reaches the end which is when he takes one hair tie and tied it around my hair. He switched to the section and repeats the same process. A calm silence surrounds us like a bubble that Orchid is outside of due to her constant barks of glee.

"You haven't said much." Ran points out.

"Neither have you." I retort back.

"Heh, true but... I like it."

"Same here."

He stands up while announcing that he had finished so I got up as well and looked in the mirror. Admittedly, Ran had done a very good job and the braids were neat and secure, to be expected considering this was the hairstyle he usually wore.

"You look cute like that~" He compliments me while playing with the braids.

I try to thank him but his stomach growls interrupt me.

"Damn I'm hungry~" he laughs shyly while rubbing the back of his head. "Would you like something to eat too? I even bought dog food earlier."

"Yes please." I lightly laugh at his stomach growls while picking up Orchid from the towel.

After coming home from the park Ran's been behaving the complete opposite of before. So calm and relaxed, not even one mention of us being "divorced". He takes Orchid from me and coos at her while holding her high above him. His aura is so lulling and comfortable. It's probably my fault for judging him so fast and assuming he's just a one note guy.

I think he's nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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