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I had an exhausting day at work and want nothing more than to jump on my bed and sleep. I got a new job in a different part of Roppongi and I feel so much pressure to be perfect that it's stressing me out and disturbing my sleep schedule.

I don't have my drivers license yet so I take the train to and back from work, I do have to walk to the train station from my apartment. Admittedly I've never walked though this path and apparently it's dangerous, as in high school delinquents lurk about. I'm not really worried about that as they're not known to do anything too illegal such as assaulting women. However, what I'd never expect while walking home is to witness a group of four of them attacking a poor little puppy. If aggravated they may hurt me but I can't just sit by and watch.

"Hey! You guys step away from that poor dog!"

They stop what they're doing and turn to me.

"What are you gonna do about it?!"

There's no backing out of this now so I walk straight up to the boy talking to me.

"I said leave the dog alone."

They start laughing at me and it is embarrassing to have a group of high schoolers make laugh at you. In my frustration, I wack the boy with my bag. He falls down and puts his hand on his face where I hit him. I run and pick the puppy up, gently stroking it.

"Did you really just do that? Boys, get her!"

I'm backed into a corner and hold onto the puppy tightly, using my arms to protect it. Just when I think the boy in front of me is about to throw a punch he stops. I look up and see him frozen in his stance and a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you actually gonna punch that woman?"

Two men stand there. One was tall and slim with long hair kept in two braids of black and yellow. The other was shorter but muscular and had had short teal and yellow coloured hair that was put in a ponytail with a few loose strands. The both wore a matching black uniform with skulls on them as well as a matching expression of sleepiness. The taller one had his hand on the boy.

"Oh of c-course not Ran, sir."


"That's what I thought. Now scram before I decide to hurt you." They immediately run away at his command.

"Now then little lady, are you okay?"

"Umm... yeah I think so but the puppy's hurt." I say while lifting the puppy with both hands for them to see.

"I can take the it to the vet. Rin you can head home."

"Alright, if you say so."

The man, Ran, takes the puppy from my hands and starts walking to the direction of the vets while his brother, presumably Rindo, walks the other direction. I know the others one's Rindo as they're the infamous duo that run the whole district- the Haitani brothers. I feel worried so I follow Ran, the older brother.

"Don't worry I'm taking it to the vet."

"I know but just want to make sure it survives."

"If you want to come along it's fine by me but I don't think it would die from these injuries."


We carry on walking and enter the vets together. The people inside are shocked to see Ran Haitani himself at the vets of all places.

"This dog's hurt can you help?"

"Of course, please take a seat."

We sit down together, the puppy on Ran's lap. I stroke its back and pray for its health. We soon get called for the puppy to be checked up.

As Ran had said, the injuries were relatively minor and it'll be okay. Ran had left before the end of the check up so it was just me there comforting the now sleeping puppy.

Despite the fact I just got a new job and pets are expensive, I couldn't resist the little guy and ended up adopting it. Though I did run into a problem. Even after a full recovery she, now named Orchid, still seems unwell even though she's physically fine.

I would find out the root of the problem when we were out on a walk and Orchid started running. I tried holding onto her leash but she was too fast and I had to let go, I still kept track of her though and followed her.

She ran around a corner and I follow but bump into someone. It was none other than Ran Haitani. Orchid was sitting next to him with her tail wagging and her tongue sticking out.

Puppy love / Haitani Ran x readerWhere stories live. Discover now