The Park

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Me and Orchid were out on a morning walk. I'm definitely not a morning person so getting used this felt like hell and I'm barely coping. It had been 3 days since we saw Ran, Orchid really misses him can't get why but she does. For Orchid to be happy I was kind of hoping for him to appear and I had a feeling he would. I was right, well half right. I did encounter a Haitani but it was Rindou not Ran.

"Oh! You're the girl Ran was annoying. I'm really sorry about that."

"It's okay, actually I wanted to see him. Well my puppy did."

"Really? A puppy wanted to see Ran?"

"Yup that's right."

I was feeling a bit worried that he found it ridiculous but he smiled.

"Dogs have never liked Ran! I didn't know it was possible!" He laughs while taking out his phone. "I'll call him but don't get your hopes up. No one can get Ran out of bed."

After a couple of missed calls Ran finally picked up the phone. At first he was not too keen about Rindou calling him but when there was mention of Orchid he suddenly asked the phone to be passed to me. I held it to my ear.

"Can you wait where you are? I'll be right there."

"Right now?"

"Well of course I need to see my daughter!"

Why does he insist on keeping this act up? He better not start yapping about us being ex husband and wife in public, I do not want people to getting the wrong idea. I pass the phone back to Rindou who has an apologetic expression on his face.

"I'll have a word with him later. Sorry I gotta go to the gym but hey here's my number. You can text or call me if you need help."

"Thank you. I don't want to disturb you but I might need help."

We exchange phone numbers and he leaves with a chuckle. I sigh while waiting around for Ran to show up. Despite what I thought he showed up very quickly.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!~" he yells while approaching us and waving. "Has my girl been good while I was gone~"

He picks Orchid up and cuddles her. Orchid looks like she couldn't be more ecstatic.

"Hey, please stop embarrassing me like that." I complain at his shenanigans. "It's getting kinda old already."

"Fine." He pouts. "Oh! What's your name by the way? I forgot to ask."

"It's l/n f/n."

"Ooo~ what a pretty name~"

"Don't start with that. Let's go."

I start walking and he follows behind, still holding onto to Orchid.

"Ouch cold."

"I didn't expect one of the feared Haitani brothers to be like..." I turn to him with slight disgust on my expression. "This!"

"Hey! Why are you being so mean! I just got here for my daughter's-" He stops when he see my glare. "I mean our daughter's sake."

I sigh to release my anger and try to be nicer to him, as difficult as it may be.

"We're going to the park, there's lots of dogs there that Orchid loves playing with."

We carry on walking and stop when we see a bunch of people and their dogs at the park. Some of them were playing catch with their dogs, some lounging and others chatting with other dog owners while their dogs played. Ran put Orchid down and she ran to join a group of dogs digging holes in the ground. Her running caught people's attention and they turned to see the one and only Ran Haitani. They couldn't stop staring with their jaws dropped. A natural reaction of course.

Now that Orchid was gone it was just me and Ran. He hadn't been that annoying so far so I didn't feel the need to text Rindou. I carried on walking, to go to the lake, and he kept trailing behind me. I stood at the edge of the lake and he stopped behind me with his head slightly tilted in confusion.

"Why've we stopped here?"

"I wanted to admire the lake. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

He stared at it for a few seconds. The water gleamed as the sun shone on it, basking in the beautiful rays made it seem almost as sparkly as a diamond. The area was surrounded by trees which were now shades of orange and even deep reds. Their leaves littered all over this area of the park and contrasted well with the slight yellow-green of the grass and the aquamarine of the beautiful water. The wind started picking up and made the leaves float in a tornado-like motion before they landed gracefully on the surface of the lake. The lake itself was vast, though secluded as the tall trees surrounded it from every corner and made it seem quite magical in a way. Especially considering the urban environment we lived in this place was a real beauty.

"No, I don't get it. Just seems like a bunch of water, grass and trees to me." He states with his arms behind his head.

"Really?! You don't think this place is pretty at all?"

"Maybe a little but it's not that great."

"You really don't go out much. Do you even take a minute to appreciate how amazing the scenery is here?"

"Why would I do that? Seems like a waste of time."

He was really making me mad. I don't even know why. If anyone else had said this I would've just accepted it as a difference in opinion but for some reason when this guy says it I automatically get mad like a force of habit. I spin around on my heel to face him. This was a mistake as I had overestimated how good my balance was and lost it. I waved about trying to gain my balance and must've looked stupid but I didn't want to fall into the lake.

"Woah~ easy, I've got you!"

Ran lunges forward to help me gain my balance. Unfortunately he falls on me and we both crash into the lake.

"Uggghhh!" I whine as I was now completely soaked. Ran was hovering above me, he was mostly fine expect for his legs and arms as they were supporting him. He kept staring at me. When I narrowed my eyes at him he started looking around us with a blush tinting his cheeks and then laughed.

"I guess you're right. This is beautiful."

Just as he was about to get up Orchid came running straight at us with no intent of stopping.

"Hey! Orchid, wait!"

She did not wait. She jumped on Ran's back, pushing him deeper into the water. We were all now completely wet. I couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of me, Ran complaining about his hair and Orchid just looking happy to be here. Ran finally got up with great effort and stuck his hand out to me. I look at him slightly surprised.

"What? I can't leave a lady here soaking wet. It would be very ungentlemanly of me."

I accepted his help and even smiled at him. We both got out together and Orchid followed along.

"Glad I didn't have to text Rindou for help..." I whisper to myself but Ran heard.

"You got Rindou's number before you got mine?! No fair! Give me your phone now so that I can add my number!"

There goes his whining again, maybe I should ask Rindou for help. I take Ran's number though.

"Let's go to my place, my daughter should know what her dad's house is like."

"Oh and help you of course." He adds on after a minute.

"Yeah thanks."

"Hey, to make this up you can come with me to a party!"

"Doesn't really sound that fun, though I've never really been to a proper party."

"Then you should definitely come along. It would be a good experience!"

"Sure but can we leave now? I'm tired of being wet."

"Oh, yeah."

With that we all left to go to Ran and Rindou's house. I'm very curious as to what a place owned by a duo so infamous would look like.

Puppy love / Haitani Ran x readerWhere stories live. Discover now