Sun and Moon

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It was a normal afternoon as Alberu continued on working through the paper work dumped by his Aunt Tasha since early morning when he entered his study office. He was currently working through the third pile of five. Honestly speaking, the five piles contained more work needed for the next week than those that were really urgent. Alberu simply desired to finish work early in order to have more free time and in cases where new files arrived on his desk without his knowledge.

It was when he reached a quarter of the fourth pile that a flash of light disturbed his work. It was a sign of a teleportation spell bounded to his office. He sighed as he already knew who it was. He set aside his pen and went to work on the neatly stacked paperwork at the side.

He ran his hand through his hair, trying to fix the slightly messed up hair, just as the spell finished and presented him with a red head he knew too well.

The one that arrived uninvited to his office was none other than the Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, a title that never left him even after the war. The stunning red-haired individual who became his sworn brother, Cale Henituse,

"Your Majesty."


"Hyung-nim, I have arrived." he says with a bit of teasing.

"Haah, you little punk." Alberu sighs, "What do you need?"

"This lowly servant of yours does not need anything from His Majesty, as just being graced with your presence brings me unimaginable joy." Cale was interrupted.


"Really, I don't need anything hyung-nim. I just want to get out of the mansion every once in a while. " Cale says.

"Why didn't you bring the kids?"

Cale raises his eyebrows and asks, "Do you really want me to bring the kids?"

Alberu fakes a cough before answering, "Ahem! No, though I don't have a problem with them being here either. "

"Hmmm..." Cale simply hummed as he sat down on one of the long couches in the receiving area of the office. There he sat, legs crossed, showing off his long legs, currently shown and hidden by the semi-fitting trousers he was wearing.

Alberu stood from his seat as he took the cookie jar he always filled from a drawer. He made his way towards Cale with the cookie jar and sat beside him.

"Here." Alberu places the cookie jar in his lap. "How are you?"

"I am currently living the life." Cale happily answers, munching the first cookie. He looked adorable in Alberu's eyes, a few crumbs on his cheek as he kept eating the cookies.

"Hmm, is that so?" Alberu asked as he took a napkin to wipe Cale's face.

"Hhmm hmm yes! I get to sleep all I want and do anything I want. " Cale answers. Cale, or the former Kim RokSoo, never pretended to be cute; only Lee SooHyuk and Choi JungSoo thought he was cute as a Tsundere; everyone else saw a stoic RokSoo. However, he looks really cute right now as he munches on cookies he got to hoard today without the kids.

"Good for you. You finally achieved your slacker life, the dream you kept on chasing. " Alberu teases, which was ignored as Cale continued to eat.

"Sooo... You wanted to be alone with me, didn't you?" He says, after wiping his face, that Cale suddenly chokes. He quickly gave him the tea he was preparing as he made the comment. Cale immediately drank and smacked Alberu not-so-gently on the shoulders.

"Kidding! Kidding. But you know, you just have to tell me. "

SMACK. He received yet another hit on the shoulder as Cale calmed himself.

One thing Alberu noticed since being together with Cale was that he was weak against affection towards him. He gets it, really. He knew—or had an idea—of how Kim RokSoo grew up. Cale told him bits and pieces about his younger self, and he knew how he lived as an adult when Cale went through the Endable Kingdom's Sealed God's test.

Lee SooHyuk and Choi JungSoo were the only ones he could say that really gave him any positive affection. He might have loved Grandma Kim and the other occupants of his old shelter during the test, but losing them also brought him guilt.

The first time Alberu kissed him, Cale broke. He was speechless and seemingly out of it until Alberu kissed him again. Cale's face was as red as his hair and he was stammering between words. The great commander was speechless.

It has been a year since then and Cale sometimes still blushes like at the beginning of their relationship. Alberu finds that really cute and he plans on spoiling Cale with affection.

Ever since they defeated the White Star, the source of Cale's partial curse, Cale has been more open to receiving affections. He became more open to spoiling the kids with affection so that the kids questioned if he really was their Cale.

Privately, openly receiving affection was tested. He and Cale then became more frequent in their meetings. Whether it be for quiet meetings or making out with each other, Alberu remembers being excited when he saw signs of teleportation spells landing in his office unexpectedly.

After half a year of getting to know the dos and don'ts in their new relationship, Cale began trying to be the first to give small kisses. There were times that he would just give a few pecks on the cheek or lips while they cuddled. The first time it happened, Alberu was taken aback. What made it sweeter was that Cale was as red as his hair after the peck. It made him embarrassed to give the peck first, but he really was trying for their relationship. It made Alberu ecstatic that Cale came out of his norm to try for the both of them.

When Alberu gave surprise kisses, Cale would always have a pause, like he's currently processing what happened. It was cute and funny. He never saw Cale so flustered when it was during the war when problems occurred, but when given a simple kiss, he does.

He loves the fact that he keeps learning something about Cale and himself as they work through their relationship.

After Cale calmed down, Alberu wrapped his arms around Cale's tiny waist. It was something that got Alberu's attention back when they were just business partners and during the war. He kept thinking of how a man would have such a tiny waist that it could rival most women's waists.

Cale just let himself sag against Alberu as Alberu adjusted himself to be comfortable while holding Cale. In the end, they ended up lying on the couch with Cale between their legs. Alberu removed his shoes and leaned against the wide and, fortunately, comfortable arm rest. Cale, wanting to be comfortable as if at home, also removed his shoes and turned to face Alberu before sagging onto him completely.

It was against royal protocol, especially one in the office, but Alberu could care less about protocol right now when he decided to spend the remaining time relaxing with his lover.

If someone were to walk in on them, it would be a scandal. Fortunately, Alberu thought ahead and used magic to lock the door and make a barrier. He's right, he'd take the hint and not disturb them.

'You'll never know when you'll need it.'

As they lay there, cuddling and basking in the comfortable and cozy atmosphere, they made small talk. Cale loved the feeling of hearing Beru's heartbeat as he lay there relaxing. Alberu loved the fact that he was able to relax and run his fingers through Cale's silky red hair.

Cale began humming a slow rhythm, a song that Alberu had never heard before. He thinks that this was a song from Earth, where Kim RokSoo had lived. It was a slow and relaxing rhythm, and Alberu was vying to join in when Cale stopped. He looked at him and was greeted by a kiss.

It started slow at first, and when Alberu tried to test the waters for a change of pace, Cale let him. The slow and small pecks changed to slow and sensual. Before they knew it, they were making out. All Alberu could hear was their ragged breaths as they parted after a while. Cale was lightly panting, catching his breath as he had this flustered look in his face.

After a while, Cale kissed him again, and this time their hands began roaming each other's bodies. Slowly, the movements become sensual. The cozy and lazy atmosphere turned erotic.

As they separated, Cale's eyes became hooded. They turned seductive and alluring, bringing Alberu to his mercy. Soon enough, roaming hands began removing garments one by one. Heavy gazes paired with panting noises. Hours pass and then only panting can be heard in the tranquility of the setting sun seen through the window.

It made Alberu remember Cale calling him the Sun, a fated existence in the Roan Kingdom -turned Empire- and told him to be King -Emperor. If Alberu is the Sun, then Cale is the Moon. A calm and cool existence that brightens the dark skies. A guiding light in the dark is what Alberu thinks of Cale.

They may be similar in many ways, but Alberu always imagined Cale as the Moon to his Sun.

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