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"Tell me about your parents tae?" Jungkook asked him and saw sadness gleam over in taehyung's face and regrets  immediately.

"It's okay if you don't wanna tell me", jungkook assured him. But tae shook his head and speaks, "no jungkook ,...  it's just,,, I didn't felt  how my mom's care and warmth".

"Jungkook , Do you know Kim enterprises?" Taehyung asked while  took his head from his lap.

"Yes, who doesn't know about the Kim enterprises, that company held top position in our country"., Jungkook described his pov about Kim's company.

"Yeah, thats my parent's company!" Taehyung exclaimed while our jungkook is jungshooked.

"Tae, I thought your parents will agree for our marriage in future but now my every hope got crumbled. it's not possible tae, our marriage!" Jungkook voice hinted nervousness his eyes was almost filled with tears.

"Hey baby, listen , they will , Okay ?, I will not leave you for anything, we will fight together till the end", taehyung assured by hugging him while jungkook cried in his chest.

"Baby ! See, Are you okay with marrying anyone? Tell me?" Taehyung asked him.

Jungkook immediately shook his head from left and right and utter No while sniffing his note cutely.

Taehyung cooed internally and speak , "yeah that's why , everything will be okay , we have good friends around us they will support us, don't worry okay?" ., Taehyung convinced him.

Jungkook just nodded and asked him to tell about his parents.

"Nothing much kook, just they left me to grew with maid's care, there is a old maid named sherin she used to pamper me like her child. Eventhough she cared me and did everything for me. I can't lie I did missed my parents.

Because in my middle schooling , I craved for my mom's and dad's  love . I saw my classmate's  parents came together to pick up his child but there I am lonely waiting for the driver.

This makes me to avoid people just to not to hear their blabbering about their  parents love towards them while me getting nothing. But I do have very few understanding friends, they knew about my situation and takes me to their home and introduced me to their parents.

I felt loved there but still I craved my parents  to be like them. But it didn't happen , they still busy with their business life. They visit me monthly once. In my birthdays they will call me by phone to wish me.

But I think my dad likes me more than my mom. In my childhood he tried to spend his time with me. He will call me often and ask about my wellbeing and you know jungkook I told him about you everything and also when I have a crush on you.

He cheered me to propose you and here I am. Taehyung chuckled while thinking about that night call.

He will definitely help us baby. Okay? Hmm?" Taehyung completed his side of story while our jungkook looking at him with pity and his love for taehyung increased to another level and he think to give his every ounce of love to Taehyung.

Some people are  really blessed for feeling their mothers's love and warmth in their wife's or girlfriend. Taehyung is one of them. He felt that type of warmth in jungkook which is unknown to him.

He really loves when jungkook would care for him. Everything is new for the couple. They both absolutely loved it.

"Baby, when your parents gonna reach home?" Taehyung asked him not knowing when jeon couple gonna reach. He praying to God internally to extend their stay. If the Jeon couple were there, his baby boyfriend not gonna spend as much as this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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