Better Late Than Never

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"Y-Y/N L/N?"

He said it quietly, as if he was speaking to himself, my eyes widened, how the hell did he know my last name?

"Uh, yes. How do you know that?" I asked a bit nervously.

He put a hand on my shoulder and I flinched at the touch, who did this guy think he was to go around grabbing me?

"It's me, Floris! Floris Damen? Don't you remember me?" He had pure excitement in his voice, it was kind of weird how-

Wait a fucking minute.

Did he just say Floris?


No way. This must be a dream.

"Are you being serious? Is it really you?!" I find myself saying. This can't be happening right? No way that after years of not seeing each other, I just happen to run into him on the street during a spontaneous road trip.

"Yes! Yes it's me! Oh my god tell me this is really happening! Quick! Punch me! I don't want this to be a dream!" His words were all over the place, he seemed to be saying several sentences at once, definitely a very Floris thing to do, but just to make sure I gently punched his shoulder.

"Owww hey!" He said, as if he were offended that I had done what he told me to do, he gently punched my shoulder as revenge and giggled. Yep, this is real.

"Oh my god dude, I'm at a loss for words, I can't believe it's really you." I say, feeling out of breath even though I haven't done anything.

"Me too man, I just... I just..." He trailed off and pulled me into a hug, I immediately returned the gesture and we sat like that for a bit, just enjoying each other's familiar presence and letting all the old memories flood back to us. I felt tears prick my eyes and as I pulled away, I saw him wiping away tears of his own.

"Holy shit man, this is happening." He muttered. I nodded, sharing his thankfulness and surprise.

We sat like that for a moment, looking into each other's eyes and remembering the familiar facial features, he had the same big dumb smile that always seemed to glow, and the white streaks in his hair that I always thought made him look super cool.

For a moment, another memory came back and I put my hand in his hair, yup, he still doesn't brush that shit.

Floris was quiet, probably just as full of shock as I was.



"God this is so awkward." I say, trying to make a conversation. "What do you even talk about with a close friend you haven't seen in years?"

"I dunno, what've you been up to while we've been separated?" He asked, finally scooting a bit farther away, nothing wrong with being close its just that we're in public and I don't want strangers getting the wrong idea.

"Well, I've been trying to get into this nice college but I haven't gotten a response, so I'm currently a waiter but I have a few weeks off, which is why I'm here, I've spent most of my time off hanging out with Skyla and this other guy Andrew, he moved into your house after you moved and he's pretty cool."

"Damn, you replaced me?" He joked, I could see from the grin on his face he didn't mean it, but he spoke with false anger.

"Yeah, sorry man, he's just so damn fine, so much better than you could ever be." I went along with the joke.

We laughed for a bit and I asked about his life.

"Well, you might think this is a bit dumb but... I am currently a uh... content creator." He said a bit awkwardly.

"You mean like a YouTuber?"

"Yeah! Yeah, like that, I make YouTube videos and I stream on Twitch."

"That's actually really cool! What kind of stuff do you make?"

"Uh, Minecraft."

"Like the game?"

"Yeah! I make videos where I fuck around with the code and make dumb things, sometimes I make my viewer's requests, and on Twitch I do streams on servers with my friends, sometimes we just chill and have fun, sometimes we do lore. It's a lot of fun."

"Wow, your life sounds so much cooler than mine, honestly I'm jealous man." I wasn't kidding, everything he described sounded amazing, it seemed like he had I life I could only dream of.

"You think it's so much fun until you have people obsessing over you and all that shit, you don't even know how hard it is to survive in a world with a beautiful, easily recognizable face like mine." He explained. "Don't get me wrong, it's still great, but it could be a lot better without people on Twitter calling you out for everything you say."

I nodded along in understanding. "Yeah, being a waiter is like that sometimes, instead of over the internet it's people yelling directly in your face about their child being sad that the food's too hot."

"What? Has that actually happened to you?"

"Yeah! I was so confused like, what do you want me to do? It says on the sign, we serve our food fresh!"

We laughed and talked about our lives and jobs, and weird complaints we've had from customers or Twitter users. It felt nice, as if the years we spent apart had never happened, it was Y/N and Floris, the dynamic duo, ruling the world since first grade.

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