Trip around the world (but not really)

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I crawled out of bed, got a shower, threw on whatever clothes I could find. I grabbed some breakfast and sat down on my couch, trying to watch another episode of this show I've been binging for the past week or so before I head out.

Boris finished with eating from his automatic feeder and leapt onto the couch with me, cuddling into my leg like he always does, I'm definitely gonna miss his constant cuddles, but at least he'll be able to give them to Skyla.

Speak of the devil... someone knocked on my door.

I answer to see none others than the blonde that I call my best friend, leaning on the doorframe all smug, like she's the coolest person in the world, which I won't deny she is, but she shows it off too much.

"You gonna let me in or are you just gonna bask in my glory?" She said, I blinked, just now realizing I was standing in her way.

"Why yes of course." I said, stepping to the side and gesturing to the inside of the house.

She gracefully stepped inside and immediately made her way towards the couch where Boris was, picking him and holding him like a baby.

"So, you're really just gonna drive around with no destination in mind? Just go around and see what the world has to offer?" She asked after scratching Boris' head a bit.

"Well... I guess so, yeah, believe it or not I've been getting kinda tired of sitting on my ass all day, so I wanna get up and have a life. Or something, I dunno man, I just wanna get out of the house for once." I explained.

"Huh," she scoffed. "You're crazy, you know that Y/N?"

"Yes ma'am I do, and I don't intend on changing that." I said with a wink.

After a bit more chatting and gathering bags into cars, Skyla drove off with Boris, leaving me standing alone in my driveway.

I checked my phone to see if I could find maybe some kind of place to stay for the night, if I'm gonna be on the road for a week I'd rather not sleep in my car, even if it's a cheep ass motel.

Which unfortunately is all I could find.

I got into my car, put my sunglasses on, and put my key in the ignition, smiling at the klink-klak sounds my keychains made. I set the clutch-thingy (I don't know car part names) to reverse and backed out of my driveway, then I set it to drive, hit the gas, and got going.

I started driving with no direction, going wherever the road took me, I felt like I was in a car commercial, just driving mindlessly by myself, and then the camera would zoom out on my car and some dude with a deep, manly, voice would say something like "Toyota, it's in the game" or whatever they say in car commercials. Fuck if I know, I never pay attention, why do I need to watch car commercials if I already have one y'know?

After I was about halfway through the musical soundtrack I had been blasting at (almost) max volume. I stopped at an ice cream parlor to get some ice cream  (if you in any way cannot have ice cream, let's just say it's special ice cream like lactose-free or some shit) and then to the closest grocery store to get some snacks to eat later, cause of course what's a road trip without snacks? That's right, a disappointment.

After a bit of looking around in the store (and seeing a cute service dog but not trying to pet it cause I respect that it's working and cannot be disturbed),  I bought my shit and got back in the car.

Time skip (these may happen a bit often and I apologize for such)

It's been quite a bit since I've hit the road, I've listen to my entire playlist and two musical soundtracks, along with half of a Disney princess movie soundtrack cause, sure it's a kid's movie, but the soundtrack slaps and that's what matters.

I saw a park and I decided to stop there to get a quick break from driving. I really needed to stretch my legs.

Getting out of the car, I had to take a few seconds to remember how to walk, my stiff ass legs cracking like a glow stick.

As I walked through the part entrance, I took a deep breath in, the fresh air felt great after being crammed in a car for so long, it felt like a drug and I was hooked.

After a bit of walking and enjoying the feeling of breathing, I sat down on a nearby bench that was next to a pretty flower bush. There was a small sign in front of the bush that said "Please do not pick the flowers." With a drawing of a hand reaching towards a flower with a big red X.

And despite the clear warning, it was really tempting to pick one of the flowers.

But before I could give in to the raccoon-urges, I heard a yapping sound, turning around I saw a small toy poodle with it's leash laying in the grass barking at me.

A man ran up to me, picking up the small dog's leash and tugging on it a bit.

"I am so sorry dude, this dumbass somehow got out of my grip." He apologized.

"It's alright man, he's too cute for me to be mad." I responded, looking the angry ball of floof in his small hatred-filled eyes.

The man sighed in relief, picking up the dog, apologizing again, and running off. I watched him run frantically over to a woman who looked around his age. She looked pissed at him for letting go of the dog.

As the two of them were (what looked like) arguing, the toy poodle was still staring at me, and I don't know about you, but when a small dog is watching you with intent hatred, that marks your time to leave, so I got up, left the park, and got back in my car.

More adventure awaits I guess!

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