"First, I'll get that Hammer from you, then, I'll embarrass the hell outta you... Finally, I'll blow up your ship, you'll survive, then we'll have this feud, or whatever..."

Votazis grunts, tightening his grip on the Gravity Hammer, he shifts, when all of a sudden, the Pridurdion shakes, throwing them both to the floor.

"Aurora! Status!"

"You've only got a few minutes, Spartan! Get the Admiral's and get the hell out of there!"

Ulz looks towards a door nearby, that's the door with the waypoint, and two allied lifesigns.

He quickly runs to the door, leaving the Chieftain to stumble back to the floor, sliding across the floor as the Pridurdion tilts, "I'll kill you Spartan!"

Just as Ulz reaches the door, it slides open, allowing him to enter, he punches a grunt or two before running to the door with the lifesigns behind it.

It doesn't open on approach, so he slams his prosthesis into it, denying the door, allowing him to wedge his fingers between them, and pushing them open.

He spots the Admiral, and Shipmaster.

"Admiral Lee, Shipmaster, your Knight in Shining armour has arrived."

[ Shipmisteress Tesa'Wacamai ]

[ Shipmisteress Tesa'Wacamai ]

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[ Admiral Victoria Lee]

(Literally couldn't find a good one.)

"About time, Commander." She steps forward, wrapping her arms around his torso, "Was starting to worry you weren't gonna make it."

Tesa steps forward, "Commander, you've my gratitude." Ulz nods at the Sangheili woman.

He turns back to Victoria, pulling his Sidekick off his thigh, then hands it to her, then pulls a plasma rifle and energy sword from his back, offering them to the Shipmaster.

"Had a pitstop at the Armory when I was comin', thought you two could use 'em."

"Thanks, Spartan, do we have evac?"

"Yes ma'am, I rescued some Marines from the lower levels and sent them to guard the position." Ulz leads the two down the hall, passing the few grunts he punched.

"And the Chieftain?" Victoria asks.

"Probably in the middle of evacuating, like we should be." Tesa leans forward a bit.

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