Believe Me - Angst

538 13 27

Requested by MadyPalm-Writer
I hope you enjoy this!

Bit of Jamilton btw
Tw: f slur, bullying, swearing

   Okay on with the story !

3rd Person POV

Alex woke up to angelic beeping of his alarm clock. He reached out to the bedside table and smacked it to the ground.

'That'll teach you not to mess with me prick.'
He mentally said to the alarm clock.

He dozed off for a few seconds but then was awaken to a touch on the shoulder.

"Alexander it's time to get up!" Martha said cheerfully.

"Ngeh..." Was all Alex could respond with. He had stayed up all night finishing his homework he had forgotten about.

"Alex come on! You've got school!" Martha replied to his groan.

"Okay, okay." He said, sitting up, pleasing Martha.

As soon as she left the room, he collapsed onto the bed again.


After getting dressed into a baggy grey sweater and cargo pants, Alex walked into the kitchen, welcomed to the scene of George tying his tie and Martha reading a book.

"U-uh good morning." He tried to say as cheerfully as he could.

"Good morning Alexander, did you sleep well?" George asked.

Alexander didn't know if he slept well, aside from finishing his homework he spent 4 hours scrolling on tiktok and got no sleep from scared of getting nightmares. "Um. Sure." He responded not making eye contact.

"Well that's good to hear." The other said, not knowing what to say, the awkwardness drowning both of them.

"W-well I'm going to school now." Alex said walking to the door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? We're going to the same place after all." Washington chuckled. Alex didn't know how to say no, but he also didn't want to keep the awkward banter up.

"No, it's okay I'll walk, it's just a few blocks away." He said opening the door.

"Are you sure Alex?"

"Yeah I don't want to be a bother, I'll see you there." He said as he closed the door.


Alex burst through the school doors, a bit grumpy from this morning. He had forgotten his homework he did last night and had to go back when he was halfway there.

He tried to open his locker, the code, 15-37-04.
It didn't work when he tugged the lock to open.

A second time 15-37-04
A third time 15-37-04
Fourth 15-37-04

Out of frustration he kicked the locker as hard as he could, which, made him feel a bit better.

"Jeez Alex no need to kick the locker!" Someone said behind him.

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