part 7. the next day

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You woke up with the worst headache ever. You got up and looked around. 'Am I home? I don't remember getting home' you thought. You looked at the bed to Amber. 'Ahhhhhhh what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck' you started freaking out. Then suddenly you get a shock pain your head again causing you to drop and hold your head. You slowly make your way outta the bed to find Sid that's no where in site. You find him in the guest room playing on his phone. "Um hey. What are you doing in here?" You question him.

"It was easier to put you guys all in one location rather then 2." He told you. You were still trying to figure out what he was talking about. Until he spoke again. "Last night I called you and you 3 were smashed so I came and got you guys." He explained. You started to get flashes of last night.

"Ah that's why my head is fucking pounding." You say with your hand on your head. Sid then tosses you a bottle of tylenol, as the rattle sends more pain to your head. The pain is visible on your face and Sid laughs.

"Guess your learning your lesson." He remarked.

"Wait isn't that supposed to be my sentence I'm older." You say looking at him. He stands up and wraps his arms around your waist. He looks down at you.

"On a normal day yes, but today no." He gives you a kiss. "Come on Jesi is in the living room." You guys walk into the living room. Jesi is sitting on the couch, bottle of water in hand looking like she's dying just like you. You take a seat next to her as Sid goes to play his game.

"Hey you alright?" You ask her

"Are you?"


"There you go" she says and dies into the couch. A while later Amber came out whining.

"Please help now." She whined. You already knew that you had to tell her everything she needed after a night of drinking.

"You just passed the bathroom and water is in the fridge." You tell her. When she comes back you hand her the tylenol and she takes a seat on your lap. Jesi looked over at her suspiciously. You thought nothing of it that was a thing that always happened with both Amber and Jesi. You were always more like the man of the group when if came to them. You were Their seat, their protector, their guide. You saw nothing wrong but from the look of Jesi she did see something wrong. Jesi pushed back the bitterness and spoke.

"Let's all hang at my place. I gotta get home to Casey. So we can hang there."

"Sounds great." You say then you look at Amber on your lap you hit her but and said. "Come on let's go get changed I think you have an outfit here." Now Jesi started to feel her blood boil but calmed herself down. As you handed Amber the clothes you found of hers you feel a hand grab your arm and pull. You see Sid.

"We need to talk" he says ushering you into the room. He closes the door. "She is pissed I see it in her face." He whispers.

"Who?" You were really confused right now.



"I don't know maybe Amber being close to you?"

"Ok now that just sounds ridiculous. We're not together. That's the past there is no reason for her to be mad."

"I swear you are as blind as the average man." Sid said with a straight serious face.

"Hey" you say.

"Think y/n she been getting closer to you being around you getting jealous about you." At this point you just accept your feelings as well.

"Ok I feel love for her but don't tell me things like that. She has Jason" tears start to fall from your eyes. "And, and he's not like you. He won't accept her with a girl, and I, I can't do that to her because I love her to much I can't brake up her family." You drop to the ground as your knees give out. Sid bends down beside you.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you into this right now. Its good you got that out though. I'm gonna let you get yourself together and go into the living room with the others." 'Don't go' is what you wanted to say but the words wouldn't come out. He left and closed the door. Now you were alone and now you felt empty. Your mind started to fuck with you until you broke down again. Then you shot up, crying stopping abruptly. You stood and looked at yourself in the mirror with a straight face. You wiped your face before putting on light make up.

"No matter how you feel always put on a pretty face." You kept whispering to yourself as you did the make up. Your hands started shaking but you didn't care you just pushed through and finished. 'Stop shaking dam it' you thought. This always happened after you cried. You put on a big bright smile and walked to the living room. "Everyone ready?" You asked cheerful.

"Yea let's go." Amber said excited.

"Yea sure let's go." Sid said while looking at you confused and suspicious.

Time ----------------- skip

You guys made it to her house. "Come around back guys." She said waving you guys over. In the back was a table and some comfy looking chairs. 'I see why she wanted to come to the back now' you thought. Everyone sat down and then Jason came out with Cassy.

"Well hi there." You said with a smile. Sid now saw it. 'She buried it' he thought, and he was right. You had the ability to push down every little feeling you had about a person, and just smile, and Sid realized that's what you did once you started to talk to Jason. Cassy came running to you and wanted up. So you placed the little girl on your lap. "Hey you what could a pretty little girl like you want from an old lady like me." You said while making a face that made her laugh.

"Your not old. Grandma old not you." She said pointing at you. You made a shocked face and said.

"Omg your kidding you are to kind, he says I'm old alllll the time." You said pointing at Sid. He rolled his eyes.

"That's cuz you are." He said. You made a shocked face with your hand on your heart.

"She not old." Cassy told him. You stick your tongue out at him.

"I got a little girl that will beat you up for me now." You said. He stood up and put his fists up.

"I'll fight a little kid let's go." Cassy hoped off your lap and ran at him right into the nuts dropping him, the whole table just winced at how that must have felt, and Cassy wasn't done. That little girl got on top of him and started punching. "Ok ok I give up. You win." He yelled she got up and put her hands in the air and everyone started clapping.

"At least you know ain't no one bullying her even if they're bigger" you whispered to Jesi. She just nodded her head. The day went by pretty quick and it was getting late so you and Sid decided to make your guys way home.

Hey guys I was a little behind today I'm sorry but here you love you guys

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