part 3. the realization

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You were sitting in bed with the TV on not really paying attention to what was playing. Your mind was far away right now. You kept thinking about what you felt that day in the park. You couldn't figure out why it felt like she was holding you down. 'I can't still have these feelings. Or maybe I can and that's why I avoided her all this time' you thought. Suddenly you were pulled out of your thoughts when Sid entered the room. "Hey you good?" He questioned you looking worried.

"Yea why?" You asked looking confused.

"Amber text me" 'here we go again' you thought. "You haven't been answering her calls, her text anything." He stated.

"Yea and what's it to you?" You start to feel your blood boiling for him butting into it. As if he sensed your anger, his voice softened and got low.

"Talk to me. Why are you ignoring her?" You sigh before whispering.

"Because she wants to hang out with me and Jesi again."

"So what's the problem?" He asked confused.

"You won't understand. Just leave it."

"Help me understand then."

"I said leave it." You can feel the anger rising.

"Why can't you just tell me what's wrong?"

"THAT'S IT" You yell and get up and storm pass him to the front door.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" He yells out to you.

"ANY WHERE BUT HERE" You yell as you slam the door. You start walking down the street not knowing where you were going. You decided to let your feet take you wherever they would. So you put in your headphones and put your favorite song on, and light a cigarette to try and calm your nerves.

Time ------------------------ skip

You finally stop walking and look up. You find yourself back at that stream. As if thinking about it at home wasn't enough your feet brought you fucking here. 'Whatever' you thought. You took a seat on the bench and look up and close your eyes, and put your arms on the back of the bench. "Hope that it don't rain today." You chuckle to yourself thinking about that day.

"I hope not too." Your eyes snap open as you recognize that sweet voice. You turn your head to see Jesi standing a few feet away with her normal ponytail.

"What are you doing over here?" You ask her.

"I could ask you the same thing." She says with a giggle.

"Well this is the park closest to my place." You say as you put your arm to your side.

"I suppose it makes more sense for you to be here then me." She says as she takes a seat next to you.

"I know Jason don't like when you go very far. So what fight did you have today?" You asked her looking a little concerned.

"He don't even know I'm gone." She said with a smile. "He's out with Cassy so it'll be a while before he realizes I'm gone." She continued. Cassy was their 4 years old daughter. You thought of the last time you saw her she was just a baby. You did miss her but she probably wouldn't remember you. As if reading your mind she speaks "she asks about you you know, she's seen the pictures and asks why you aren't around anymore. I just tell her that you moved and I didn't know where to. Even know I knew the whole time but I knew you wouldn't come even if I asked." You put your head down feeling sad thinking.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even know." You say sadly. She slightly chuckles.

"That's because I didn't tell you sweetie." You look at her then she turn and she catches your eyes. Then you feel it that warmth is back. 'No this can't be happening again' you think. You start internally freaking out. You turn your head away really quick. All of a sudden you hear movement from next to you. You look over and see Jesi taking off her shoes and putting down her purse. You wonder what's she doing, then she steps into the water and sits on the side. You smile watching her lean back with her eyes closed. You are captivated by her beauty.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She chuckles. You turn away as your face heats up. 'How did she know she wasn't even looking at me' you think. Suddenly your phone rings. You look at your phone and of course its Amber. You stand up and step to the side and answer.

"Hello" then it starts.


"You done now?" You question her.

"Yes I'm done. Are you OK?"

"I'm fine just been thinking a lot don't really wanna get into it."

"Well ok so I was thinking the three of us could hang out again, maybe bowling or something?"

"I'll think about it." You tell her. "Gotta go talk to you later bye" You hang up the phone.

"Amber?" You hear a voice way to close to your ear making you jump. You quickly turn around to a smirking Jesi.

"Hehe yea she was just checking in" you say with a grin and your eyes closed while rubbing the back of your neck. You open your eyes to see Jesi standing pretty close to you, with a certain smile on her face. 'I've seen that look before' you think 'but i can't remember what it means' you continue to think. And then.......

Sorry for the cliff hanger you guys and for this being a really short chapter and I know this the first time you guys are hearing from me sorry about that to lol. You'll have a new chapter probably tomorrow or today I should say as it is midnight lol. Enjoy and hope to see you all later.

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