Chapter four; Sister Krone.

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When the next day rolls around I try and recall what happened next in the story, and remember today is the day they 'tell' Ray about the secret while they do that I'm intending on doing my own inspection along with a little cover from Anna and Nat, I don't want to involve them but for now, it's the best choice I have not like the trio's gonna invite me to help them anytime soon.

Right after testing, we were allowed a bit of free time so I run out along with the other children and spotted Anna First she was tending to the garden, I feel a little bad but run up to her anyway,

"Hey, Anna!" I call smiling

"Hi" she replies softly with a wave

"I was wondering if you want to come to look for wildflowers with me"

"Sure I'd love to" Anna responds placing down the watering can she held.

"Okay! Let's ask Nat as well!"

Anna nods and so we walk off to Nat. Soon the three of us are heading into the forest after some time we all began to pick flowers chatting

"Hey, there are some flowers over there I'll be right back" They both nod so slowly I drift off from the other two, and once I'm no longer in sight I bolt to the fence.

I haven't forgotten about what I told Norman, but it's unlikely that will ever get to the game of chess he'll be too busy with Ray, figuring out the tracker, and with Sister Krone's appearance soon, I'll have plenty of time to work without them getting in the way.

Aren't you the one in the way?  A tired voice says

;Oh if it isn't my best friend X with his stunning opinions;

I'm so pleased you think I'm your best friend and that I'm helpful.

With a touch of irony in my tone, I express ;I am being sarcastic.;

Oh wow, I had no idea  He spoke in a salty tone.

I slow as I reach the wall I'd need a rope and better athleticism, I can barely climb a tree let alone a wall.

You could buy a better jump, or strength from the shop.

; you're the one who told me I had no points;

you don't but you can get some by completing daily tasks which you can find by clicking the hotbar after opening the shop, the start tasks are easy you might also get key tasks that have a time limit and a consequence.

;oh okay, open shop;

the bright screen popped up in front of me, I clicked the Hotbar and three tasks showed up each had around 9 hours left on the clock

Daily tasks

Task 1: Climb 2 trees | 8 hours & 45 minutes | points earned 10

Task 2: play 1 round of hide n seek | 8 hours & 45 minutes | Points earned: 5

Task 3: hide one blanket sheet | 8 hours & 45 minutes | Points earned: 10

;what kind of tasks are these;

Non-important tasks at the moment but they give you points so get to it.

'I can't do it at the moment Anna and Nat probably noticed I'm missing I'll do them at my next free time;

mhm you'll probably forget

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