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Slight warning this will contain some spoilers for the Tpn Manga, sorry! But anyways enjoy this really short special of Y/ns past life.

Y/n sat on the couch being consoled by her best friend Caleb, She had just finished volume thirteen of the promised Neverland and learned that two of her new favorite character died, Yuugo and Lucas.

Y/n was crying she had always been an emotional person and cried over many books and shows, and now here she was sitting sobbing over two fictional characters.

As the tears slowed she finally looked up to see a smile on her best friend's face, "I've never seen somebody so emotional over a character's death"

Y/n in turn rolls her eyes "Not my fault, I can't help it!"

"I know it's what I love about you" Hey says, She laughs before jumping into the arms of her friend.

Y/n and Caleb stayed in the hug until both finally broke apart, "what do you say about going to buy popsicles" Caleb inquired happily.

She threw a pillow at him before standing up "I could go for a Popsicle" she smiled brightly racing to the door before calling out "Mom, I and Caleb are heading out to the store!"

Y/n heard a quiet okay before the two walked out she hopped into the passenger side of Caleb's car buckling her seat belt.

Caleb hooked his phone to the car and tossed it to me before leaving the driveway, She scrolled through songs until she picked f/s (favorite song) you both began screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs.

About two more songs went by before you pulled into the store parking lot Y/n and Caleb both got out of the car walking in the entrance.

They both quickly found the popsicles they wanted plus two drinks, and chips, they walked to the checkout line and waited until it was their turn, and after the chaser said the amount Y/n took out the money placing it into the hands of the worker.

Walking out of the store's bag in hand they both got back into the car continuing the playlist they had on before with the 10-minute drive home.

The rest of the evening was perfect, they watched a ton of movies (eating way too much sugar) It was perfect but something felt wrong, Y/n knew what it was.

Caleb was gone this was a dream Y/n wanted to believe this would last forever but she knew that it was just a memory Caleb no longer existed in this world, and she would never see her best friend again.

Y/ns eye shot open and once again she was back in the bedroom with all the other children, back into the nine-year-old body. She didn't want to cry but they still came.

I'm not sure about a life without you

Is worth living

I miss you, Caleb

I'll survive no matter what I promise I will see you again.

The last thoughts of the crying girl before she was lulled back to sleep by her crying.

A/n 489 words, Sorry this is really short but hope you enjoyed.

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