A bored king

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In a certain area a god was saying ahhhhhh this is so boring. That God was the founder of the tempest nation his name was rimuru tempest

Ciel help me everytime I try to get a break shion or shuna catches me.

<both shuna and shion have been mad on you for slacking off master>

Not you too ciel you have betrayed me. I thought you will understand me. 

<I understand master but you are the king of nation so you should fulfill your duty>

I understand but I will not hurt to take a vacation once a while. After the war ended I have nothing to do.

<I have an suggestion master what about traveling to a different world like the anime worlds>

This certainly is a good idea but I can't leave my subordinates there will be too much chaos and someone might attack my nation.

<don't worry I can make a clone which has 85% of you strength and I will leave a system to help your clone>

Ahh ciel you are a genuis let's go to kumo no desu then!

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