Sneaking into WICKED

Start from the beginning

Edward eyed all his friends who glanced at him with true admiration. Then he shot a side glance at Brenda who looked more proud of him than ever. He addressed them all again, words of wisdom and his father's intelligence swirling within them. "Here's what we're gonna do," The Right Arm members brought black coats, masks, and WICKED guns that Lawrence's men had smuggled from their scout trips. The boys and men got dressed and Vince and Lawrence made some discussions about how the wall explosion was going to plan out.

Sitting on a chair holding his father's box, Edward heard them talk. He cocked his head over to the side and he saw a face of courage painted on Lawrence's face whilst Vince's was scared and hesitant. What was Lawrence going to do if Vince wasn't agreeing with them? His instincts told him that it meant for this entire plan someone would have to die. He became scared.

"You know revealing the truth won't change anything," It was Teresa.

Edward flicked his head and saw a wary Teresa staring at him. She had finished her job. He frowned.

"WICKED will not stop until a cure is made until they have that," she pointed at the box. Edward cradled it protectively.

"You're not getting your hands on it," he stood up and turned his back.

"Ed, if you would check let me look at it. There's something about you and Thomas that WICKED doesn't understand," Edward tried to walk away but she was grabbed by both arms by Gally. "Why aren't you listening to me?" she begged.

Edward turned to her in a flash with an angry expression. "You really expect me to?" he spat unforgivably, silencing her. "You lied to me. You used me. And you took my brother from me,". Seeing the wet surface shimmering in her eyes, Teresa felt true guilt for the first time since her betrayal. He leaned his face further into hers making her back away an inch. "Which is the one thing I will never, ever forgive you for," he turned away and stalked off. Gally pulled Teresa away.

Edward walked over to a table to put on his black suit. He saw a knapsack and placed his father's box inside it. Just hold on a little longer Thomas. I'm coming. He pulled his coat on. He noticed Brenda approaching him, all dressed up herself with a walkie-talkie attached to her belt. "All ready?" he asked. She nodded. But she looked nervous. "I know you can do this Brenda,"

"Don't worry about me. Just promise me you'll get Jorge out,"

"I will," Edward promised. "I'll send him to you with the children,"

Brenda went into deep thought for a while, pursing her lips. "I should come with you,"

"Don't worry about me, Brenda. Our friends are more important. You just focus on getting them away once we free them. And we'll find you guys in time,"

"You're important too. To all of" Brenda felt her insides squeeze in on each other. She felt like she was going to be sick but she threw up the last word from her mouth. ""

Edward felt his heart beating tenderly hearing her say that. "Don't worry about me. I'll be all right,"

"You know your parents would be proud of you right now,"

"So would yours," Edward added in. "And I know George is too,"

Brenda tearfully smiled remembering them.

Chained to a chair, Teresa observed them, mixed feelings of envy and despair colouring her face. She closed her eyes and sank into the darkness of her actions.

Edward stepped a little closer. "Brenda...there's something I need to tell you,"

"I know," she said quickly, not breaking eye contact with her. Edward stared at her, blankly. "I had the answer when you destroyed those monsters,"

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