And Counting...

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"Ok." It's hard to think straight as I begin to feel the effects of the adrenaline pumping through my body. I've been focused on trying to keep my friends calm but now that they're gone I start to feel overwhelmed.

My mom comes running into the infirmary a few moments later. When she reaches my side she grabs my hand and kisses my hair.

"Mom." I whimper.

"I'm here." she reassures, her voice soothing. Just like it was when I was a little girl and would get hurt.

I sniff, trying to hold back my tears. "But, Eric isn't."

"Sweetie, I told you to tell him. But it's done now, we'll just have to make the best we can of this." She's kind, but I know she's disappointed in me.

The stress of the situation seems to be under control, only Aylee is watching my monitors now and I notice that this is the longest I've gone without a contraction since they started.

She turns to my mom and I. "The drugs seem to have started working. You're contractions have slowed, they're barely being picked up by the sensors. How are you feeling?"

"I think I'm ok, my belly is tightening a little bit but I'm not in any pain anymore."

Aylee smiles at me. "That's normal and a good sign. The only bad news is that you'll have to stay here for the remainder of your pregnancy."

My face falls and she gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'll give you some privacy." She pulls the curtain around my bed as she leaves.

"Well, now that things have calmed down, why don't I go grab us some lunch?" My mom offers.

"Sure." I sigh, not really caring.

When she returns she sits down, passing me my container of food. "Eric's gonna kill me." I move my mac n cheese around with my fork, not really in the mood to eat.

"No he won't." My mom rolls her eyes. "That boy couldn't be mad at you if he tried."

"We'll see, I guess." I don't say much the rest of the time and before I know it my mom has to go.

"Cheer up, kiddo. I have to head back to work but if anything happens or you need me, just send someone to the control room. I'll be there the rest of the day."

"Bye, Momma." I smile as she ruffles my hair and leaves.

Two days go by without anymore contractions and I'm starting to feel like everything is going to be ok.

It's early evening and Aylee is checking the monitors and hooking up a new bag of meds to my IV line. I adjust myself in the stiff bed, trying to get comfortable, when I hear a pop and then indescribable pain shoots through me. I let out a groan biting down on my knuckle.

My legs feel wet and I look down. Blood is seeping through my hospital gown and drenching the white sheets beneath me. "Aylee."

She looks at the blood and presses the panic button next to my bed. Before I know it, four other people have arrived and they're checking vitals on me and the baby.

I hear bits and pieces of their frantic conversation, but the words 'losing oxygen' and 'bleed out' are all I can focus on.

"Prep her for surgery and get a spinal in her STAT. This baby needs to come out now." A stern voice orders.

Everything's a blur as I feel someone sitting me up and leaning me forward. "Wait! Eric's not here!"

There's a burning in my lower back as I'm injected with something. "We can't wait for him, Ophelia." Aylee explains.

"Then get my mom. I need someone!" I'm feeling nauseous from whatever they gave me.

The doctors and nurses shake their heads. "There's no time." A man in scrubs tells me. "Set up a drape, she doesn't need to see this." He instructs an assistant.

"No!" I'm trying not to panic. This is all wrong, the room is too cold, it's too soon, and I'm alone.

"Ophelia, listen to me, the anesthesia hasn't fully set in yet but I can't wait any longer. I need to get your baby out." He's talking to me like I'm a child and I want to cut his throat out.

"Don't patronize me!" I shout as the door flies open.

"What the hell is going on?" A voice demands as a man storms in.


I relax when I realize I'm no longer alone but then I scream out. They're cutting into me and I'm nowhere near numb yet.

My screams fill the room. "What the fuck are you doing to her?!" Eric shouts over me. No one answers him, they just continue opening me up.

He grabs my hand and I clutch onto it. I can't stop the screams of anguish that rip their way from my throat and I realize I've been strapped down.

The pain becomes too much and I look at Eric with glassy eyes. "I'm gonna pass out."

"It's ok." He kisses me gently, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

When I awake I am still strapped to the hospital bed but I feel no pain and I hear a baby crying in the distance.

"Welcome back, Ophelia. We're almost done here. You have a beautiful baby boy. Congratulations." The doctor seems a whole lot nicer now that I'm drugged and were clearly both still alive.

"Eric?" I search for him the best I can with my limited mobility.

I hear footsteps and he steps around the drape they've set up to block my view of everything below my chest. He's holding a tiny bundle and looks nervous.

"Meet your son." He crouches beside me, holding the baby next to my head and I can't describe the overpowering love I feel as I stare at the squishy little boy in his arms.

I kiss his head that's covered in golden fuzz and feel tears of joy prick the backs of my eyes. "Welcome to the world, Hudson." I smile, naming him after my father.

Hypnotic (Eric x OC) divergent fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum