Part three

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"Is all the information in these books really going to help?" Peter asked as he slammed the third book shut.

 Alice looked up from her notes, her eyes looked straight into his as she spoke. "Well, I do suppose you could leave if you don't want to help" she said, and Peter shook his head.

 Belle looked up from the corner in which she sat, "The Wizard of Oz" lay open in her lap. "Children, please can we not fight, I as well am looking for information, and I don't want to write to any of the girls to ask them for help." 

Alice looked back down at her notes, they looked like total madness, yet it was easy to decipher what she was trying to comprehend. Peter leaned over her shoulder, her blond hair tickling his nose every so often as he tried to read her notes in his head.

 "I don't get it" He said, dropping his head into Alice's neck, "What would a Norse god want with some girl?"

 Alice blushed, though Peter couldn't tell, but she couldn't figure out why she was getting so worked up over a boy. "I'm not certain, well I'm never certain, but maybe since he is the god of mischief, maybe he is just playing a little prank on us. Perhaps that's all he wants, is a good laugh." Alice turned her head as fair as she could, but Peter was laying on her hair and it was incredibly hard to turn without it hurting her head.

 "Hey Belle," Alice whisper shouted across the room, "we're going to need a lot more help if we want to get this done soon." 

Belle sighed, but got up and went to write letters to some friends, perhaps more help would do the trio some good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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