11 | tension

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the conversation me and jj had might've been my biggest mistake yet. things between the two of us have gotten slightly awkward. we're still friends, but it's on the same level and me and theodore, my classmate. freya keeps faulting me, but i did what was right. me and ethan talked things out. we're still dating, but that might've been a dumb move. he did cheat, at the end of the day. i didn't tell him i kissed jj and- yeah. that was just information that wasn't needed.

i walked into school, feeling eyes on me. it felt like the old days. the times where jj outed me to a very homophobic school. i moved my hand up and down my arm, power walking. i wasn't wrong, pretty much everyone was looking at me. i walked into the male's bathroom, resting my hands on the sink. what could've possibly happened?

one of the stall's toilet flushed, someone leaving. i turned around, looking at who it was. i was relieved by the sight; it was josh. 'josh! hi!', i smiled. 'oh, hello simon! i didn't think you'd come to school after the video got leaked.', josh shrugged, washing his hands. 'what video? is that why everyone was looking at me?', i stressed. i don't want to be thrown against lockers again, i don't want to be bullied again. this is giving me flashbacks i just didn't need.

'i don't have the video, it got shown to me. the video got airdropped by a person with the name 'Accept, You Need To See This'. i declined, but people got curious init?', josh explained. i held onto that name, maybe i could do something with it. 'josh, can you just fucking tell me what was on the video?', i groaned, holding the top of my head. 'okay. it was ethan, prior to the party. he was there with a few girls — including gee. they were all taking turns to kiss him. one of the girls asked about you and he simply said: 'fuck simon, man. being gay is not me. not no more'. the girls laughed and then they kissed again. someone in the house filmed it and airdropped it, i guess.', josh explained.

his words pierced into my heart. did he really say that? 'simon, don't cry. he's not worth the tears.', josh stepped closer to me, hugging me awkwardly. i know josh isn't the biggest hugger, so i appreciated his hug. i didn't realise i was crying until i saw a few wet spots on josh's white jumper as we pulled away from the hug. 'i'm sorry this happened, simon. i'm sure jj'll handle it.', josh comforted me.

'i don't want him to. i actually don't. josh, was he the one who punched ethan up at the party last weekend?', i asked josh as he nodded, not being sure if i was supposed to know that. 'okay, thank you. bye josh, you're the best.', i sigh before leaving the bathroom. i walked around, people looking at me again. when i was walking towards my first class, i ran into ethan.

'hi baby.', he smiled, snaking his arm around my waist. 'don't fucking touch me.', i hiss, tugging his arm off of me. 'what?', ethan sounded confused. ''fuck simon' no? fuck off, then.', i roll my eyes, stepping away from ethan. he stood there, eyes widened.


this class was the worst of em all; biology. we have timetables and i was seated next to jj. when i walked into class, i saw jj there. he was slumped in the chair assigned to his desk. he had his airpods in. i stepped foot into class as our eyes locked. he rolled his eyes and his focused his gaze on his phone again. i truly did fuck up, but i did what felt like the best. turns out, it wasn't. because ethan doesn't care about me. all he cares about is his reputation.

i sat down next to jj, placing my book and all my necessary items on the desk. 'hi, jj.', i sigh, pulling out my phone as well. he took out one airpod and faced me. 'two airpods in means don't chat to me, init?', jj said before putting the airpod back in his ear. i let out a deep sigh. 'can't we just be okay for this class? i thought you weren't still pissed at me.', i said, looking for eye contact. he took out his airpod again. 'i'm not pissed, bro. being pissed isn't worth my time, especially not when it's being pissed at you.', he said, ending with a chuckle.

inconvenient meeting - ksimon ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang