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Vel city, a town for all like they call it, is the only town with hills. One Ana was finding it difficult to climb while rushing.

"Darn it!" She breathed, "if I continue this way, I may not be able to attend the event! I would only disappoint Nova." She sighed.

"Why don't I carry you on my back instead? That way, we'll get to your house earlier." Ana shot him a side glance, scrutinizing as she appraised his back. Many beads of sweat had crowded his forehead and his breaths were heavy.

"No thanks," she said, looking away. "You can barely carry yourself yet you want to carry me? I'd rather walk by myself." She walked ahead of him, leaving him ignored as he hurried after her more like a puppy than Spiky was. "But I can try." Lucas wasn't so sure of himself anymore.

His legs could barely keep him balanced, not to talk of carrying someone on his back.

Ana snorted as she increased her pace, she was almost close to the house.

"Ana! Wait up!" Lucas said, pulling on his bag as he walked faster. Grumbling to himself, he said, "We should have just gone through the other road. This one is too steepy."

As if hearing him, Ana turned around and glanced at him.

"The other way is closed. The gatekeeper must have gone to the event."

"Oh." Lucas said and closed his mouth. He could only continue walking forward and soon enough, they came out through the side alley by Ana's house.

"What do you think everyone would think when they see us back here?" Lucas said, obviously trying to get Ana's attention. She had ignored him all the way here.

"How would I know? Since you are free, why don't you go ask them?" Shrugging her shoulders, she turned the doorknob and entered. "Coming in or not?" Initially, Lucas thought he wouldn't be allowed in given Ana's attitude towards him but guess he was wrong. Perhaps she had a sense of sympathy towards him since he had followed her home.

"Coming in." He affirmed.

Meanwhile at the station, the driver had grown anxious and had announced their departure.

"Can't we wait an hour more?" Mr Ruby said. He was desperate to wait for Ana and Lucas but the driver was just as desperate to get to the Silver House.

"No. We've waited enough, a lot of the passengers are in a hurry. We don't mind leaving you behind too, you know?" The driver said, raising a brow aggressively. Mr Ruby was worried, what if they arrive as soon as they leave? Wouldn't it be frustrating? Besides, there was no more train coming to their town for the day.

Reluctantly, Mr Ruby agreed to leave too. He was helpless but he really hoped they could make it to the Silver House on time, otherwise, he would feel bad.

"It was here last night! Where did it go?" Ana pulled her side drawer close. Lucas stood helplessly at the door. The moment they got to Ana's room, she frantically searched the whole place causing him to have no place to step in except watching her and Spiky was lucky enough to get to her side but his luck soon dried out when she tossed him into Lucas' arm. "Hold him. He's a bother." She had said.

"Ah! This is annoying! I placed it on this desk last night before going to bed so where exactly could it be?" Ana flopped heavily on the bed.

"Maybe you forgot where you left it?" Turning her head, she saw Lucas tilt his head. His expression looked a bit scared, why? She was clueless.

Lifting her left eyebrow, she spat. "Do you think I'm a child? I don't even know where I keep my things? Do I look like a fool to you?" She must have been very worked up because she got irritated the moment she heard Lucas speak. And sure enough, Lucas feared just that. Ana was like that whenever she was irritated.

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