Start from the beginning

After setting up everything, you could only sit behind the bushes and wait for Leona's arrival.

Minutes had passed, but you still couldn't see Leona. You didn't have a watch with you and you didn't know if the 15 minutes had already passed, but you felt like every second was as long as an hour. You palms were cut by the thorns although you had already tried your best to avoid that. But you had no time worrying about your hands, as you still couldn't see your upperclassman returning. You started to become anxious, while praying soundlessly in your heart that Leona would be fine and could come back soon.

Please don't get yourself in any death-causing danger.

Just when you were still worrying what's on the other side, a huge "BOOM" sound broke the silence of the forest. It was like something huge had fallen onto the ground. What followed was a bellow which you could immediately recognise. It was Leona, and from his voice it sounded like something bad had happened, and that's what you were most worried about.

You didn't think for a second before stepping out from the bushes and ran to the direction where the bellow came from. It wasn't part of Leona's plan, but who cared about the plan when he was clearly in danger. You didn't mind putting yourself in danger, but you wouldn't just sit there and let him deal with the dangers alone.

You could hear some on and off growling and roaring from Leona and the beast respectively, and their voices became increasingly louder and clearer. You knew you were getting close, but at the same time, you could hear some splashing sound of water being increasingly auditable.

You pushed aside the vines and branches that blocked your way, and the next moment, a spectacular, big water fall came into your sight, and that's where the splashing sound came from. But what caught your attention was Leona and the beast. He was being held on the stem of a tree by the claws of the creature, not being able to move. His neck of locked and choked, and his feet weren't touch the ground. You could see the painful look on his face.

"KINGSCHOLAR!" You couldn't help but yelled. You didn't see this coming, that Leona was totally at a disadvantage.

He seemed to notice your appearance as well, and shock was all written over his face. "What are you doing here, herbivore?! Just run- Ahh!" Leona shouted towards your direction, but he was cut in by the attack of the creature. He quickly grabbed a thick, sharp branch and plunged it into an eye of the beast. It immediately shrieked in a creepy and horrifying way out of pain, but its claws didn't leave Leona.

Your mind was in a total mess, and you didn't know what to do. Rushing towards them was absolutely out of the question. Both of you would be killed. But you couldn't just stand there, watching Leona got eaten by the beast. You looked around you, and tried to think of anything about the creature that could be useful to you.

"C'mon, c'mon, Y/n think... think!" You tried your best to come up with a way out. "It has three heads. It's a carnivore. It seems to belong to the Canidae. It craves blood... blood... Right, it likes blood!" An idea all of a sudden came to your mind, a crazy one.

You ran towards the cliff, and looked down. You swallowed hard when you realised how high it was, and you could feel the water vapour from the water fall next to you. The water was running down the high cliff really fast, but you couldn't see the bottom of the fall as it was covered by layers of thick fog. You could feel your legs shaking a bit just by looking at that height.

You took out the jackknife that Leona gave you before you two parted ways. You stood in front of the edge of the cliff, take a deep breath, and cut a long wound on your left arm with the knife.

"Oh shit..." You bit your bottom lip so as to prevent yourself from screaming loudly out of pain. The wound must be big and deep enough, but not too deep, and you must carefully avoid cutting the main blood vessels. You could feel your right hand shaking as the blade cut through your skin. The red blood started to gush from the cut wound, and you let it dropped to the ground along your arm. That's you last resort and you hoped it work as you had expected.

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