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And all the kids cried out,

"Please stop, you're scaring me"

I can't help this awful energy

God damn right, you should be scared of me

Who is in control?

- Control by Halsey

Once again....


Her new beginning, a new life for Lunetta.

As a grisha

Training was a new subject for her , especially for her it is like a brand new subject... She was once calm, life was turned with a snap blink of an eye. She was a runaway grisha...

Let destiny change its fate...

Now, Lunetta stands in the training ground with Botkin, a combat instructor at the little palace. He is responsible for every grisha training, physically, a preparation for any upcoming war or combat, that is what he always reminds every his grisha students.

" Again!", Botkin command,

Her fire ability is getting better, but still....

But still far from perfect.... Something that she carve is no close

And that didn't satisfy her, not one bit not one bit.
Though her body wants to rest, her determination is still on fire...

, not her head.. it wasnt enough to back out now.Her mind was on fire, and she not want it to fade away in vain

With that thought in her head she starts throwing punches to Botkin, a way in which he avoids easily. That frustrated her more, with that she proceeded to make her move swiffer than before.With that unconsciously a flame came from her hand and shot it way to Botkin.

Thankfully Botkin's reflex was fast, so effortlessly he avoided the shooting fire. She was nervous and unknowingly held her breath waiting for Botkin to scold her recklessness " You need to control your power! Lesson dismissed." With that he walks away leaving Lunetta alone.

Suddenly she felt weak,she remembered what Bagra had told her the day of her first lesson.

Hopeless.... That word struck deeply in her till now,what if Botkin reported her progress to him and said that she is hopeless?

Suddenly there Ivan stands, waiting for her, as usual to bring her to Aleksander.silently she follows him across the hall and through the huge ebony doors. He led her down a hallway and through another door emblazoned with the Darkling's symbol. It was easy to tell that she was in the war room.there were no windows,the walls were covered with large maps of Ravka. The maps were made in old style with heated ink on animal hide. Under any other circumstances, she could have spent hours studying them,running her fingers over mountains and twisting rivers, instead she stood with her hands bunched into clammy fists, her heart thudding in her chest.

There he was, seated at the end of a long table, reading through a pile of papers. He looked up when they entered, his quartz eyes glittering in the lamplight.

" Lunetta" he said " please sit" this time his voice became more deep, like he was commanding her as he gestured to the chair next to him. Nervousness filled her though, made her hesitate. Ivan disappeared back through the door, closing it behind him. She swallowed hard and made herself across the room and took the seat the Darkling offered.

" How's training today"

She swallowed again, " fine" she croaked.

"Really?"he asked, a smile came across his face. " I heard from Botkin that you almost burned him alive".

Lunetta groaned, " did he tell you that?"

" Why of course I am his general, I need to know every grisha's progress in this palace. He said, offering her tea. " Are you tired?"

" A little bit" she bit her lip, she had hoped she made great progress, especially her personal goal is to pair up with another Inferni. That is what she needs, someone like her to guide her.

" Come with me" he said, pulling out his hand offering her his hand. Her heart started pounding again. He led her out of the war room and down another hallway. He walked her to the narrow door set unobtrusively into the wall , turn right and in front of them the door of the dormitories.

" Good night my dear, rest well". With that he left.


The next morning her body ached so badly that she could barely drag herself out of the bed, went to the kitchen to grab some fruit she could find and start the day.

Lunetta spent long hours in Baghra's hut learning breathing exercises and helding painful poses that were supposed to help with her focus. She gave her books to read, teas to drink, and repeated whacks with her stick, but nothing helped.

"Should I cut you, girl?" she would cry in frustration
"Should I have a more capable Inferni to inspire you?"

Her daily failures with Baghra were matched only by the torture that Botkin put her through. He ran her all over the palace grounds, through the woods, up and down hills until Lunetta thought she would collapse.

He put her through sparring drills and falling drills until her body was covered in Dreises and her ears ached from his constant grumbling: too slow, too weak, no improvement to see." and lastly " Too skinny"
Bolkin cannot build a house from such little twigs!" he shouted at me. giving her upper arm a squeeze. "Eat something!"
But she wasn't hungry. she slept poons, formile her dormitories bed, and felt like
her body finally shut down.

Suddenly she saw the Darkling, it was from a distance, sin or going, deep in conversation with Ivan or the King's military adie learned from the other Grisha that he wasn't often at the Little Palace spent most of his time traveling between the Fold and the norchem on or south to where Shu Han raiding parties were attacking settlements rel winter set in.

The darkling as if noticing her stare looked up to her, meeting her eyes. With that he dismissed Ivan and walked toward her, his eyes didn't leave her eyes.

" Come with me, we have something important to discuss."


" i want you to come with me to the First army camp" He said as they entered the war room.

" Why?" You know I'm still learning to control my power. What if suddenly I burn the whole camp?! What if-

" You won't, I will make sure to keep my eyes close to you." he said suddenly now standing in front of her.

" I still need to know why you insist on having me there? Is not that there aren't other Inferni that are more capable than I am." she said, looking at him sharply.

He chuckled,

" don't tell me you forgot that in a couple of days it will be our anniversary," he said leaning down to her ear " and I don't want to miss it". With that he walk away from her and started to examine the map and other paper in front of him.

" You better prepare dear, you'll be riding with me at dawn"

Author Note :

Sooo i decided to make a playlist for this book

Sooo i decided to make a playlist for this book

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