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"Hey! Your name is Kao right?" Ohm smiled and jumped into the seat next to Kao, the girl he had been crushing since the day he saw her in the assembly.

The university stud, Ohm was famous and confident as there wasn't a single person who would reject him for anything.

Though Ohm being decent as one can say, have been in only one relationship before which ended on a mutual note with his now good friend Aom.

Since then Ohm has been casual dating here and there so as to not reject anyone brutally but no one... Not even a single girl could match the charm that Kao held on to him. He used to observe the lean tall girl with cute smile at the science book like it contained magic while the whole class used to sigh in frustration.

Ohm's whole gang, as he calls his group of friends, knows about his hyped-up crush on his classmate since the time she joined the university mid semester. It's been two months and Ohm thought it was high time to greet her at the least.

Normally any girl in the class would have come to talk to him using one or the other excuse. Ohm kept waiting for Kao too while she did not spare him even a second glance. This for sure was intriguing for him.

"Ummm Hi?" Kao greeted or rather questioned Ohm's existence in her space.

"I saw this seat empty. Hope you don't mind." Ohm tried to play his charm. It was difficult since he never needed to try before as such.


"My name is Ohm by the way. We are from same class but never got a chance to talk." Ohm brushed off what she was going to say feeling the rejection coming in already.

"Yeah, I know you." She said with an amused smile much to Ohm's surprise.

"You... Know me?" he asked puzzled.

"Who doesn't?" she shrugged nonchalant but it made Ohm feel somewhat relaxed. So it is not like she has not noticed him already.

"Oh ok. That's nice... I guess." Ohm awkwardly answered unable to decide how to answer in response to the girl who was now smiling at him all of a sudden.

"You seem to like this subject a lot." Ohm said after a few moments of awkward silence, trying to make small talk.

Kao bit her lip scrunching her brows at Ohm once before replying. "Are you really here to ask about this?"

Ohm was taken aback. He gaped at Kao unable to answer.

Kao chuckled once showing her straight white teeth prominently. Ohm couldn't help but stare astounded.

"I am not available to date. I am already in a relationship." She said still smiling.

"Oh... Ha!" Ohm chuckled now flustered and a bit embarrassed. "It was that obvious huh?" he now asked smiling wide.

"Kind of... yes."

"Well my bad luck then. How about we turn this awkwardness to a good way to introduce each other? We can be friends at the least." Ohm offered extending his hand.

Kao smiled at him shaking his hand. "Sure, I don't see why not."

Ohm and Kao exchanged one last smile before the professor came in and begun the lecture. They both attended the entire lecture peacefully.

Ohm was feeling weird for being rejected before even trying. But at the same time he felt relieved to not have gone too far and then made a fool of himself. But he was not feeling relaxed at all. All the butterflies that he experienced in the pit of his stomach for last two months somehow subsided instantly and that was something Ohm couldn't understand.

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