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Kenma pov

I have been talking to kuroo and making videos with him for the past couple of months and I started to feel weird whenever I'm around him

When he smiles, my stomach will started to feel like butterflies are in there, when he comes closed to my face or flirts with me, my brain will go crazy and when he laughed my face will always feel red

What is wrong with me?

I've been questioning myself for weeks and still can't find the answer. And now I can't sleep, I'm looking at my ceiling, and my mind is thinking about kuro. Ugh! It's like my brain is stuck to kuro

I keep flipping and turning but no sign of falling asleep, so I went on my phone and text kuro, not like he will reply anyways it like 4am in the morning

Kenma phone

Kuro? You awake?

Kenma its like 4am, why the hell are you awake at this time?

Can't sleep...soooooo can we talk?

I don't see why not

Kuro, I have this weird feeling when I'm around a person. Can you tell me what it is?

Depends, what feelings are you talking about

Like when this person smiles, my stomach will start to feel like butterflies flying around, or when he laughed my face will feel completely red

Not sure if it's true but I think your inlove

In love? That ridiculous, how can I fall in love with kuro? I see him....like a friend...well I think I do....

Alright..well I'm getting tired Im going to bed, good night

Night, sleep well

Kuroo pov

I stare at my phone.. thinking about kenma, I knew I had a crush on kenma since last week, although he seems to be the type of cold person and really quiet but he's really kind

And now I found out he was in love with someone else, I mean it's not wrong I can't force him to love me but it hurt when I read his message

I place my phone onto my night stand and went to bed. 3 hours later, I woke up.. since it was 7am which mean yaku is awake and is now downstairs making coffee

I left my bed and went downstairs, yaku was calling someone and I didn't really want to interrupt, I flung myself onto the couch and open the TV, I watch a bit of kdrama with the volume at 10

Later around, 9am oikawa fucking tooru had to text me saying that we all should go to the new park near the area where some people open up. And by we I mean oikawa and his lovely boyfriend iwaizumi and me being the third wheel and seeing the two couples being lovely dovely

I replied a no and muted my phone, and of course oikawa spam my phone with about 100+ message

Kinda short! No idea what I wrote and I think this has nothing to do with the main story but whatever!

Thank you for reading see you on the next chapter!!

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