Fatal Error (S2: Ep10)

Start from the beginning

As Lamar hit full speed and Lucks's terrified face came into view through the window, Meggy grabbed Crystal as tight as she could and braced for the impact.


Meggy's head flew forward and hit the chair in front of her as The car collided with the van, shutting it off as both vehicles broke down.

Meggy regained awareness, hearing Crystal begin to cry as she looked through weary vision. She put a hand on her forehead, but pulled back her hand as she saw blood covering it.

She looked in the rear view mirror, seeing a cut along her left eye. Thankfully, she didn't seem any more injured then that. After checking on al of them, Tari, Theo and Crystal were safe but...

Lamar (Woozy): Guess they...upgraded the vans...since last time...

Lamar took the worst of the hit, falling back again his seat unconscious.

Tari: Lamar? Lamar!?

Tari tried to shake him but to no avail. Meggy looked out the window and saw guards running out the cars. Lucks came out the truck, slightly disorientated.

Meggy moved in pure rage, leaving Crystal on the seat and jumping out the car.

Tari: Meggy, no!

Meggy stood in front of Tari's part of the car. She decided it was time to employ one of her new trick, flexing her meta arm as her fist became electrified.

Meggy: Come any closer and see what happens!

Lucks glared at her in disappointment. Then he looked to the window next to Meggy and saw Crystal in the backseat. Seeing her hair, he figured it out.

Lucks: Of course, I should've known. Tari's poisoned your mind Meggy, fed you lies and made you have a scientific impossibility. Stand aside and I might go easy on you.

Meggy: I gave up that life for her, so I'll be damned if I let you-!


A bullet nearly hit her in the head, ricocheting off the car roof and freezing her in place. She raised her hands on instinct, Lucks glaring at her with a gun in hand as he looked at Tari.

Lucks: Tari...out here...NOW!!!

Theo: This is all part of the plan...right Tari?

Tari looked down as she stepped out the car, Standing next to Meggy who looked even more scared. Some armed henchmen grabbed Masa from inside the truck, shoving him to the ground as Belle and Sophia could be heard inside.

Belle: Hey, what are you doing!?

Sophia: Don't hurt him!

Lucks: SHUT UP!

Silence followed immediately afterwards. Meggy stared blankly. Lucks had been mad before, but he was close to losing it entirely.

Lucks: Agh...I gave you three everything this world had to offer! I housed you, trained you, took you in, made you stars this is how you repay me!?!

The mood switched in an instant, right as Lucks placed his gun against Masa's head.

Meggy: No!

Meggy tried to run forward towards them, but Tari held her back.

Lucks: Give...me...the cartridge.

Tari: Lucks, I...I can't-

Lucks: I'm not asking you Tari...I'M TELLING YOU!

Meggy couldn't believe her eyes. Lucks wanted to win and he was willing to kill every last one of them to do it.

Had everything come down to this? Was she about to lose everyone and everything?

Captive heart: A Meta Meggy storyWhere stories live. Discover now