Act 1 || The Cafe

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|| BG: Cafe de Touhou 2 (Album) ||

(Remilia POV)
We all walked from Sanzo River to the Human Village. It was tiring but we eventually managed to arrive there.
"Hmmm... how about a snack at a cafe?" Sanae asked as we all looked confused.
"A cafe?..." Koishi mumbled.
"There's one here?!" I gasped.
"Yeah how'd you not know? One just opened." She replied and chuckled.
Youmu put her hand over her eyes "I think I can see it from here."
"Wah! The suns here!" I sped over to a umbrella and grabbed mine out.
"Haha! That was kinda funny!" Youmu giggled.
"Hey!" I walked back out with my umbrella.
Both of us started arguing as we made our way to the cafe.

"Hum hum hum!~ ♪"
"You seem to be in a good mood."
"Yeah! This waffle is soo good!"
"In your waffle phase eh?"
"At least these taste good!"

We entered the cafe and the bell rang.
Lots of people were there and there was lo-fi music playing from the speakers.
"Oh hello there!" A familiar voice called our names.
"Ah! Remilia, Youmu, Sanae and Koishi! Didn't expect to run into you guys!"
The voice was indeed Hijiri, Murasa, Nazrin, Kogasa and Nue.
"Wah! Kogasaaa!" Koishi leaped into her arms."
"Hey! Get off me!" She pushed her away.
"Ouch..." she landed on the floor.
"So what brings you here?" Hijiri asked.
"Nothing, we just needed a snack." Sanae replied.
We were then given a menu.

I ordered for coffee and a cinnamon roll.
Youmu asked for pancakes and green tea.
Sanae wanted... alcohol? But that got declined so instead she got water.
And Koishi, as you expected (or didn't) shouted for a milkshake and cake.

We got our food and drinks and we talked with them.
"Interesting combo... a vampire, a half phantom, a shrine maiden and a child." Nue said.
"I'm not a child!!!" Koishi screamed at her.
"Haha! But you sure act like one!" Murasa laughed.
We all had a fun talk as our orders arrived, we then started eating and we were then somehow done.
"Uwa... that was soo good!" I said.
"Mhm! Although I only ordered water, it tastes different!" Sanae replied putting the cap on the bottle.
"I. Want. MORE!!" Koishi screamed holding the glass to see the others faces distorted.
"Wah! Koishi be quiet! We're still in public!" Hijiri said as she rubbed her arm.
Youmu put the tea cup on the table "The green tea here tastes so good!"

"Just like the type me and Lady Yuyuko would drink together..."

She sighed.
"Youmu are you okay?" Nazrin touched her shoulder.
"Eh? Me? Ahaha! I'm alright..." She said giggling it off.
Nazrin walked away slowly, back to Kogasa.
"So, would you like to tell us about your day?" Nue said smiling.
The four of us froze and stared at her.
"Is... is something wrong? Did I say something wrong...?" She looked confused.
"No! I- uh!-" I started slowly stuttering thinking about them.
"It's fine if you don't want to!" Murasa said cleaning the table.
"We can tell you..." the four of us said.
Then we started telling one by one to each person.

"Oh my... that's terrible!" Hijiri gasped.
"That's soooo sad! I hope you and your friends get back together!" Murasa then gave a anchor hair clip to each one of us.
"Wow... I can't even react that's how shocked I am." Kogasa sighed.
"That's the worst thing that can ever happen!! Please, I hope you can all make up to each other!" Nue said.
Nazrin didn't respond as she made a sad face.

"Is something okay?" Youmu went up to her.
"I'm... fine." She said as she sat on a chair.
"You can always tell us if somethings bothering you, we're here to help." Youmu gave a smile.
"I... I guess I can tell you... promise you won't tell anyone?" Nazrin said.
"Promise..." Youmu replied.
"Okay... so basically..."
"Nazrin stop."
"I... I- don't know what's happening! What's wrong with me!"
"Hey guys! The three of us came back from-"
"WHOAH! What are you doing?!"
"Please! Don't kick me out!"
"How dare you misbehave."
"I'm sorry!"
"Stop this immediately!"
"Get out!"
"I told you get out!"
"Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!..."
"I-... Wow that must of hurt." Youmu said.
"Yeah... just like what happened to you..." she replied almost tearing up.

Everything had be going smoothly.
Well that's what I thought.
I looked at the clock to see the time, it was already past six.
"Wah! The time! I- uh!- ahaha! It was nice seeing you guys! Heh..." I rushed awkwardly out the door.
"I- uh guess we'll be going now...!" Youmu giggled as she ran out.
"Farewell!" Sanae said leaving.
"Bye bye!" Koishi then left.
"That was rather awkward..." Hijiri giggled.
"Mhm... Now we should get going!" Nazrin said.
They all left the cafe as it got dark.

"That was a nice day together." Sanae said.
"Yeah, I didn't expect us four to be together." Youmu replied.
"Hey! Let's go to my mansion! It has enough beds for everyone!" I said proudly,
"Yeah! We can stay there." Koishi said as she giggled.
"Hmph! Trying to out beat my mansion eh? Wait till you see!" I shouted.
We arrived there and it was pitch dark until we turned on the lights.
"So pretty!" Koishi and Sanae said.
"Not bad!" Youmu laughed.
"Hey! Anyways let's just get some sleep... I'm gonna pass out..."  We all went upstairs and claimed rooms.

"Good night everybody."
"Sleep well..."
"I wonder what I'll dream of..."

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