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tw: blood, murder/death (towards the end of the chapter)


Big, strong men with guns strapped to their backs and holstered on their hips, walk through the loading dock area of the warehouse. The large shipment that we've been waiting for from Vasquez has finally started to arrive. Liz, who was here earlier, left for the day to go to another meeting or something.

Crates of drugs and weapons, disguised as bottles of champagne, liquor and other supplies needed for the club, are being pushed off of trucks and to the storage rooms. Warehouse staff will eventually sort out the logistics to breakdown and package the drugs accordingly to be distributed.

Zayn stands beside me, as we periodically check through the inventory and make sure everything goes where it needs to go. My eyes dart from person to person as I try to memorize who's who for when I work on my case notes. Most of these people I already know because we've been in contact numerous times since I've been on this case.

"Take those crates to Storage Room B," Zayn orders one of the employees before turning towards me and instantly my eyes roll to the ceiling. "Sweet Baby Rhe, how are you feeling?"

"Sweet Baby Rhe, how are you feeling?"

This is the third time he's asked me that since we've been here and each time, I've ignored him. It's been nearly four hours and I still haven't said anything to him, despite the many attempts at a conversation he's tried to engage me in.

"How's Pepper? Niall still using her to get dates? And how's Aubrey? I know she was in Turks recently." When I don't respond, he speaks again, "How long do you plan to ignore me, Rhea?"

"I don't have anything to say to you," finally responding to him. "And don't ask about my dog or my friends," I take a sip of my now-cold coffee from my tumbler.

"Rhea, come on..." He lets out a groan, "I heard you've been hanging out with Harry."

When I turn to face him, his eyes are narrowed at the cup in my hand, clearly reading "Pleasing" on the side and there's a disgusted look on his face. This is the first time he's mentioned Harry to me. I wasn't planning on discussing it with him because it's none of his concern and I'm not going to start now.

"That's none of your business, Zayn."

"Right," he runs a hand through his dark hair, which now has a patch of green in it. "Just be careful with him."

"Oh, and thanks for encouraging Jordan to come here."

His eyes widen, "You met Jordan?"

"Yeah, and she's a bit of a bitch."

No longer wanting to stand near him, I walk through the loading area into the building.

"Rhea!" Zayn calls he jogs behind me. My feet continue to carry me through the warehouse before there's a hand on my arm. "Rhea, wait."

I jerk my arm out of his grasp, "Don't touch me, Zayn." He simply puts his hands up in defense.

"I don't want to overstep, that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm just looking out for you."

My face twists in confusion, "You're trying to look out for me?" Letting out a scoff, I cross my arms over my chest, "You have some fucking nerve. You weren't looking out for me when you were cheating on me with... remind me of her name again? Mallory? Mary?" I know her name but I'd rather he say it.

"Molly," he huffs out.

"Molly. Right. Were you looking out for me when you were fucking her?"

"Rhea, that was a mistake. And I've apologized for it. But just because we're not together doesn't mean that I've stopped caring about you. I'm always going to look out for you."

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