"I'll meet you in 15 mintues." I told her making my way to the bathroom. She nodded reluctantly and left the room. I showered quickely and proceeded to wrap my body in a nice, warm towel. My hair fell down my shoulders and tickled my back. 

I looked in the mirror and stared at my reflection intensly. What did Harry see in me anyways? I wasnt like any of the other girls he could have. I was nothing compared to them. I was small, pale and nothing like one of those thin models he'd see at fashion shows. The only thing kind of impressive about me was I could sing, and not even all too well really. Nerves started bubbling inside me again at the thought that maybe I wasnt good enough for Harry. One day he would get bored with me and leave to find a different girl more beautiful and talented than me. 

He'd carry out with his player routine again and eventually forget about me. Meanwhile, I would think about him every day. I wasnt scared to trust Harry. I knew I trusted him, I felt it in my heart. I was just scared that one day he would realise that he could do much better than me. 

I was clinging on to hope that he would never do that. I cared about him a lot. But now was not the right time for a relationship. Their tour just started and the last thing Harry needs is more paparazi. Then again, I'm sure he'll already be getting plenty after his little act last night. 

His lips on my lips after so long sent a jolt down my spine. I admit, I missed his touch. The way our lips fit perfectly was a sensation so over powering it made me sad when he pulled back. 

As soon as this tour was over, I'd tell him how I felt. But every day I wake up the words remain in my throat, wanting to pour out to him any second. I have to choke them down though. I have to hold those feeling back just a little longer. It's for the best. I probably sound crazy, not wanting to tell Harry how I feel right away. But I think after everything we've been through, I know how to handel tough situations like these. He was patient with me when we first met, allowing himself to be friendly around me and let me fall for him step by step along the journey. Now it was my turn, I had to wait for the right moment to tell him. Running in to this could be bad, dangerous and regretful. Making the right choices was something I was usually bad at doing. But with this I was sure. Patience was the key. Patience was the key. 

Snapping me back to reality was a knocking on the door. I stumbled out of the bathroom and opened the door slowly. 

Harry was standing in the doorway, a smile sewed upon his face.

"You planing on coming down for breakfast any time soon?" I shyly looked down at the floor. I walked back inside the room to grab my sweater. I felt Harrys eyes watch me the entire time. 

"Lets go." I said smiling up at him. He placed one of his hands gently on my shoulder. I gasped slighly at his warm touch and felt my cheeks slowly pinken. 

He walked at my side closly, looking over at me occasionally. I felt him try to meet my gaze but I just smiled at the ground. He knew I was avoiding his contact which made him chuckle.

"How are you?" He asked tugging my shirt to make a sharp turn around the corner. My eyes shot up at him, and our orbs met. He stared at me and started fiddling at one of his curls tucked out of his green beany. 

I took a shaky breath. "I'm alright." I forced a smile on my face and pushed away the immediate rush I got just from talking with him. He looked at me curiously and was going to speak when I pushed past him. He followed behind me as we walked into the dining room. I spotted Lucy and the others sitting far in the back. 

I started to make my way over, but before I could I felt Harry grab me from behind my waist and pull me around the corner. My breath escaping nervously from my lips as he pulled me closer to him. His precious green orbs searching deeply in my eyes as I put my hands on his tonned chest. 

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now