Hospital visit⁹

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As Levi was being carried into the ambulance in a stretcher, he thought about the events that took place leading up to this...

He reached into the pocket of his beige coat  and pulled out his phone to check the time
It was already well past 11pm.

"I need to get a fucking watch." Levi mentally sighed, it would be much more convenient.

As usual, he couldn't sleep and Hange was over at Moblit's house so he was left alone.
He decided to take a walk to calm his mind.

He passed by the park, which was mostly empty except for a few teens hanging out there.

"Kirstein?.....freckles?"  Levi sighed disapprovingly at the sight of the two presumably making out

"Oh! Heichou!" Jean jumped up when he heard the familiar voice, a bit embarrassed.
"Sorry, we'll be more mindful!" Marco jumped in

Just as Levi was about to continue on his way, Jean cleared his throat.."Hey heichou"
Levi looked back
"You wouldn't belive who we saw earlier!"

He curiously raised his eyebrow

"The beast titan guy! Zeke!"

Levi chuckled bitterly
"Good to know. Ill stay the hell away from him"  before continuing on his way

Levi was wondering what he should do with himself now that he's all alone. Hange will likely be moving soon and Erwin....Erwin wasn't interested in him. He was avoiding him since the end of September. Levi wondered why, since he had made an effort to be nicer.

He thought about much as he used to isolate himself from others he never was alone. Isabel and Farlan were always on his side before joining the corps. After that, Erwin came and his life turned upside down.

When he was not on missions with numerous squads, including his own, he was playing chess or poker with Erwin in his office. Or  alternatively, making out with him.

But now that he has a regular nine-to-five job...
He sighed, readjusting himself on the park bench.

"Excuse me? Do you have a lighter?" A fammiliar voice said

"I don't s-" he was interupted by an intense, sharp pain

The blonde man was already running by the time Levi touched his stomach, noticing the sharp knife inside.

He pulled it out, not realizing it will cause him to bleed out faster.

"FUCKING BASTARD! Agh-" Levi clutched his side, struggling to walk.
His beige coat was already soaked with red liquid.

He hoped to at least make it into a busy area. Bleeding out to death in a public park isn't exactly ideal.

He slowly walked, unable to go any faster, until he finally reached a corner right in front of a restaurant.
He noticed a fammiliar figure behind the glass.

There he was, sitting all alone at the bar.

He tried desperately to get to the door, praying that if he pushed it Erwin would notice. But in his semi-conscious state all he could do was curl up on the ground and groan

Eventually, somebody across the street noticed him, and there he was now. Lying on the hospital bed.

"Fucking hell." Erwin thought to himself, wondering if the man would be alright, sitting in the waiting room

He wanted to make sure that Levi was alive. Thats all that mattered to him at that moment.

It seemed like hours had passed before a nurse approached him


Erwin snapped out of his thoughts "........Ah! Yes! Will he be alright?"

"Thankfully, it wasn't a deep barely missed his left kidney." The nurse sighed "If he hadn't pulled out the knife, he likely wouldn't have lost consciousness."

"Oh, thank god." Erwin released a breath he didn't realize he was holding in "How long until he wakes up?"

"Well, he has awoken, but currently only family members are allowed, I'm afraid..."

"I'm his husband." Erwin lied

"Excuse me?" The nurse chuckled "I think i misheard-"

"That man inside is my husband. Let me see him." Erwin would definetly make a convincing lawyer.

Reluctantly, the nurse let him in. "Only a few minutes, sir. He must rest."

Erwin walked in. It was safe to say that Levi didn't expect this sudden visit.

"Erwi- eyebrows?" He corrected himself

"Yes. It is indeed me." Erwin tried his best to smile "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, couldn't be better, trust me." Levi sarcastically chuckled "What the hell?"

"I-I don't know how it happened but I know you were stabbed. The hospital staff needed somebody to identify you and since I was at the scene..."

"Ah." Levi sighed "That son of a bitch will pay as soon as I get my hands on him."

"You know who stabbed you...?" 

"An old...acquaintance of mine." Levi slouched on the hospital bed, rubbing his eyes with his hand "Well, he's was more of an enemy."

Erwin gripped the edge of the bed nervously "It seems he's still out for blood, then..."

"Don't know why. I thought we settled the score." he continued "He took something very, very dear to me....and he payed the price in blood."

"Something dear?"

"Dog." he looked into Erwin's eyes "Like a golden retriever. Always positive and energized, that bastard." 

"How are you so relaxed about this....? You almost lost your life back there!"

Levi sighed "And? The fuck's that got to do with you?"

"We're friends, aren't we?!"

"Since when am I your friend, blondie?"


Just because Hange's your friend doesn't make me one too."

"We could be friends! I've been trying to-"

"You've been avoiding me like the plague since september!"  Levi finally snapped "I realize I'm no-fun to be around. But don't go around claiming we're friends."

Erwin said nothing.

"I thought you'd be diffrent." Levi whispered, "You used to like me."

"Won't somebody just tell me what's going on?! Used to?! Why is everybody in on this except me?"

"We knew each other, Erwin. I can't tell you the circumstances but we knew each other. We were great friends...among other things." He sighed

"Why don't you just tell me-!"

"You wouldn't fucking belive me even if I did!"


"Leave. The nurse said I should rest." he sighed "I don't want you here right now"

Very later chapter, sorry.
School's kicking my ass right now.

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