Chicken Alfredo⁴

449 17 72

"Historia! Wait up!" A brown haired girl was running in the hallway

"I just cleaned this floor!" Levi shouted, turning around

He bumped into a large figure

"Motherfuck-!" The fell to the ground

"Oh Jesus, I'm sorry!" Erwin crouched down, placing one of the books back into the box he was carrying

Levi barely managed to get back onto his feet, still a bit dazed
"Come on, scoot over."

Erwin moved a little bit, enough for Levi to crouch down next to him
He picked up a big brown book, examining it carefully

"So you like this kind of thing?"
The title on the comically large book read "The Art Of War"

"Ah, yes. Well..I like history." Erwin chuckled

"Right." Levi awkwardly said, standing up abruptly

Erwin grabbed the box, continuing to pick up books

"Watch your step next time."

"Well, sorry again."

Levi just shrugged
"Don't let it happen again."

Erwin continued back down the hallway, as Levi continued on

"Still as awkward as ever, the big imbecile." He thought it was kinda cute.

Later in the breakroom, Erwin was talking to somebody

Hange chuckled cheerfully "So, have you met Levi?"

"Ah, yes. He told me that you two are roomates."

"Yeah, we've been roomates since after college. I guess we just enioy each other's company"

"Is that so?" Erwin giggled a bit "I don't think he enjoys my company"

"Oh, I'm sure he does! He's a big softie, trust me." Hange smiled

"No, I'm pretty sure he doesn't" Erwin laughed again, this time louder

"Oh, you'll see. Just wait." Hange winked

"I'm sure i will" Erwin laughed

"I hope you stick around until then. He could use another friend. If you dont count his cousin that play video games with us."

"Become friends with him?", Erwin's face turned serious for a second, "Why me specifically?"

"Well...." Hange was thinking of a good answer
"You were lovers in the past life" doesnt exactly sound believable

"I think you two would be a good match. You.. seem like a nice guy, Erwin."

"Do I?"

Levi walked into the breakroom, handing Hange their glasses

"Oh, that's where they were?"

"I was cleaning the classroom after your class. You left them there."

"Thanks, Levi!"

"Sometimes I wonder if there's a brain in that gigantic head of yours."

Hange chuckled

"Idiot." Levi said, reaching for his bag sitting in the breakroom, before walking out again

Erwin held back his laughter "A softie, huh?"

Hange laughed as well

"What an interesting fella." Erwin smirked


That night, Erwin was sitting in a bar.

"I'm telling you, Miche. Goddamn it."

We'll Meet Again [Eruri] [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ