Staff meeting⁶

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Staff meeting.

Apparently, the reason they invited Levi was so he could properly meet the other teachers since he was new.

"Can we stop to get coffee on the way there?"

"We're already running late, hell no" Levi stepped on the gas

They arrived to the school ten minutes later

"Sorry we're late guys, Levi didnt want to come!" Hange chuckled

A few of the people in the room chuckled as well. One particular laugh stood out to Levi. A deep, but awfully loud giggle, as if the person simply didn't posses the ability to control their volume.

"So he's here." Levi thought, gazing upon the blond haired figure confidently sitting at the table

"Well, now that we have all bothered to show up." Somebody spoke up "Let us start the meeting."

A few of the staff in the room laughed again.
Levi got the feeling that they were laughing at him, and not with him.

The staff meeting reminded Erwin of something. Some sort of meeting he would host himself....he couldn't quite put his finger on it...
Was it his high school student coucil meetings? His middle school history club?

No, it wasn't that. He remembered a black haired individual shorter than himself sitting right beside him, drinking a cup of tea.

Erwin was determined to find out more about Levi. To clear the fog in his memories and find out why he has been appearing in his dreams lately.

After the staff meeting concluded Levi walked over to the door, leaning on the doorframe slightly. He was waiting for Hange to pick up the documents laying scattered across the table and to put them back where they belong, their briefcase.

"Oh, Levi. Moblit's picking me up, we're going to the movie theater" Hange smiled from ear to ear

"Staying the night again?" Levi sighed

"Well...if all goes well then, yes" Hange blushed a bit

Levi just snickered.

As Hange rushed through the door, the only people left in the room besides Levi were Mr.Brown, the math teacher, and Erwin.

"Have a good one, William." Erwin politely gestured for mr.Brown to leave

Mr.Brown excused himself, leaving Erwin and Levi alone.

Without a second thought Levi reached for the door, but he stopped when he heard loud footsteps coming from behind

"Levi, was it?" Erwin smiled.

Levi knew that Erwin didn't actually forget his name. His memory was impecable, quite possibly unparalleled.
It was a trick Erwin always used to start conversations.

Levi just sighed, wanting to call Erwin out for his old trick, but knowing that's probably not the smartest move.

If he wanted Erwin to remember anything, hell, even if he wanted Erwin to fall for him without his memories he would at the very least try to be friendly.

"Ah, this high school reminds me of the one i went to...the good old days, wouldn't you say so?"

"Im not very fond of my highschool years."
Levi said, walking out of the room

"Coincidentally, where did you go to highschool?" Erwin innocently inquired, trying to fit as many questions into the natural flow of the conversations, following behind Levi and closing the door

"Oakland high." It was your average public school, nothing to write home about

Erwin went to Northwood High, a high-class private school much like this one

So, they didn't go to highschool togheter.
"Well, in any case, I much prefer my high school years to my middle school ones." Erwi chuckled

"I was homeschooled during middle school" Levi bitterly said

Erwin was growing more concerned by the minute.
"Well, how about-"

"Did you talk to me only to interrogate me?" Levi finally turned around, stopping in his tracks

"I-I was just trying to make sufficent conversation." Erwin didn't expect Levi to catch on that soon, he assumed he would be able to squeeze at least another few questions in

They we're now exiting the school

"Do you need a ride h-" Erwin smiled but what quickly shut down

"My car is here. No need." Levi simply said in return

"Oh. Right." Erwin's attempts at making conversation with the man seemed futile, like he knew every trick in the book.

Erwin wondered where a guy who's seemingly antisocial and avoids all advancments from other people could possibly learn conversation skills, enough to contradict them.

Or, was it specifically Erwin's social skills he knew about?

I'm extremely sleep deprived send help

Also school (for me) starts in ten days???? Literally what. Summer break flew by so fast it's not even funny

[Art credit: nccoochannihilator on Twitter]

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