Alone. ( Steiner Navi TV )

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Here we are! Alone. Only my random labbers (subscribers) watch me or talk to me by commenting in my videos.

This is the Journey.

Like a Castaway.

My YouTube channel is not that big so when I do I'll try to remember to update this wattpad story or You Bandom Hovers can remind me when I reach about 500 or more subs :( which will be long..

Hey! I'm not Danilion_ which got a shout in Smosh. I'm Kc Balbin of Steiner Navi TV.

If you want to play games with me like 2013 infected wars just comment in Youtube or Wattpad. ( dammit lolslayer )

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⏰ Última atualização: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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The Story of my Random ChannelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora