Psychopathic Fucker!!!

Start from the beginning

Bernie patted her shoulders, “It’s not so bad, all you have to do is go to a business school while you take acting class before you come into your inheritance.”

“When would that happen?” I can barely make it out the school we are in, I thought I would be done once and for all with school. Does she delight in torturing me?” Annie lamented.

“Heyyyy… at least you are not in competition with an overachiever.” Margaret sighed.

“Did you just call me an Overachiever?” Koruna widened her eyes.

“Yes… You.”


“Have you ever done anything half-assed before?”

“You are half-assed.” Koruna murmured. She was still in a daze from the entire reveal, Betsy had set her up again, this time she is being used as a blade to sharpen Margaret and at the same time being paid for it. She couldn’t believe that Betsy set up a fund for her, she couldn’t get angry and at the same time she couldn’t be happy at the same time.

“That bitch…” Koruna whispered.

“Did you just refer to me as a bitch?” Margaret fumed.

“No, it wasn’t you and why do you have a rod in between your ass?” Koruna frowned.

“What does that mean?”

“Why are you so angry? I didn’t make the rules, Betsy did.”

“You think this will be a walk in the park, don’t you?” Margaret smirked at Koruna.

“I honestly don’t think anything at all.” She scoffed.

“I will win, I promise you. I will win this waver and run the company with Kelvin at my side.” Margaret fumed and dragged Kelvin along with her.

“I can't be the only person here who can see what Betsy was trying to do here, am I?” Koruna asked aloud.

“Don’t we have to draw up a plan to win, my future is placed in your hands.” Bernie groaned.

“Seriously, am I?” She asked again.

“This is not happening.” Annie grunted and walked out.

“For the love of God, am I the only one who can see?” Koruna asked baffled.

“What are you talking about?” Bernie asked.

“Betsy knows I have no interests in the family business, so she’s using me to keep Margaret on her toes and that way Margaret and Kelvin gets to trust and rely on each other along the way, and Annie gets to have a second option if being a celebrity doesn’t work. You get to have the freedom to live your life by being attached to me yet with enough funds that you don’t have to suffer your entire life. Shola gets to supervise all of us as we work according to her wish, even in the grave she is still pressing all our buttons.”

“You think too much of her.” Bernie muttered and also left her in the room.

“What happened to being together?!” Koruna shouted to the air, just yesterday they were all mourning the loss and now everyone is mad at someone.

Shola came into view and sipped his coffee with a smirk, Koruna glowered at him, “What are you smiling at?”

“You, knowing everything and them knowing nothing. It’s interesting to watch.”

“I’m glad to one of us is amused. Now that we are alone, I want you to enroll me in Simi’s boot camp, we have the perfect cover. You could easily say that it was part of Betsy’s last wish to whip me into becoming an Elite because I am so rebellious. If they had anything to do with her death, they would find no reason to deny me entrance.” Koruna smiled proudly.





“It’s dangerous, anything can happen. You would be on your own on an island and without a way to help yourself.” Shola dropped his cup and turned to get away.

“I can handle myself.”

“Like you did before when Jason kidnapped you?”

“Yes, like that. I am alive… am I not?” Koruna grinned shamelessly.

“This is not a joke Koruna, I will not put your life at risk.”

“It’s not about me and we could come up with a way that is safer. I don’t think they would kill me the moment they have me, if there is a chance for them to turn me. I think they would and if we are right, we could find all the missing puzzles. It is driving me crazy that I don’t know who did this to me, to Betsy. I know you want to know as well.”

“We will find another way. Not one that jeopardizes your safety.”

“I will find a way with or without you, is it not better if you have some measure of control?”

“Don’t try to play me Koruna.”

“I am not. I just want to know, what if they come for me again and this time you get caught in the crossfire, or Margaret, or Annie. Are we supposed to sit and watch that happen? This is the quickest and fastest way to find a direction.” Koruna groaned, she could not understand why he was so hard headed about it, she was sure that he of all people would understand.

“There are other ways Koruna.” A deep voice sounded behind her, she was chilled at the sound of the voice.

“Heyyyyyyyy, you are here; how are you here?” She grinned widely at R’ao and Oni who had been at the entrance and caught the gist of what Koruna was asking of Shola.

“Talk some sense into her, she has that look in her eyes.” Shola remarked and left hurriedly.

R’ao glared at Koruna, he could not put a name to what he was feeling at that very moment. The fact that Koruna would jump into fire despite all that had happened made his temper rise. Has she learnt nothing?! Oni had seen his glare, he did not know whether to remain there or not, he made a turn to leave when Koruna called out his name desperately.

“Oni, don’t go. Comeeee … what’s the rush? Let’s all calm down.” Koruna’s heart pounded at the way R’ao stared at her, she felt like she was caught in a wild animal’s trap and she was meat. If Oni went, she had no idea what R’ao would do, wait… R’ao wouldn’t hurt her, there was no way she thought. He cared about her deeply, he would not have it in him to cause her any kind of pain. She smiled a little in relief when she remembered that.

“Did you just smile?” R’ao growled.

Koruna straightened her face, “No, I wouldn’t dare.”

“Go.” R’ao said one word and Oni turned and left Koruna alone to face him.

“Come here.” R’ao said to her.

“No, thank you. I am fine just where I am.”

“Are you? I thought you wanted to go to an island.” R’ao’s voice dipped lower.

“Pffffffftttttttttt, that was just nonsense talk.”

“Was it?” R’ao drew closer to her and she moved backwards.

“Ye…es” She tried to run but R’ao caught her and carried her to her room. He sat and bent her over the knee, Koruna struggled and wanted to stand when she felt a loud smack on her buttocks.
She was too stunned to talk, she had never been spanked her entire life. It wasn’t something she ever thought she would experience, while she was reeling from the first hit another one came and she winced.

“Did… Are… what is happening?” Koruna let out a loud breath.

R’ao spanked her again with his palm and she gasped out loud, “Wait … a sec…”
He massaged her bum and Koruna shuddered at the friction, “Please wait, let’s talk about…” Koruna said and R’ao spanked her again.

She cussed out loud, “You psychopathic fucker!”

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