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Kate finally talked to me, she's sweet. She's not like most girls at our school, she cares about her grades and doesn't care about popularity. Kate is not bad at all, she drove me to the skatepark yesterday, and her car is super cool. Summer started like two weeks ago and I'm happy about it, this is the first summer I've felt I can be myself, and it's because of Kate. She's super sweet, we were talking this morning and she said she would play soccer with me, I thought she was just a cheerleader... but she makes a good soccer player. Kate is my best friend, and probably my only friend, I don't mind that though. Kate doesn't have "friends" I mean yeah, she has me. But all these people say they're her "friends" and then just always talk about her, they do nothing with her. Me and Kate have been friends for about a week, and she is the first real friend I've had. She drives me everywhere and talks to me like actually talks to me. No one has ever found interest in my life and I'm happy to have someone who understands me. Everyone has been talking about me and Kate now, well not so much about me.. they don't even know who I am, and I've lived on the same street for years now. They just call me "redhead chick" and if you're wondering who "they" are, it's Chrissy Cunningham and her cheerleader friends.. they all like Kate, but not me. And no, I know what you're thinking & and I'm not jealous of Kate, I love Kate. I just wish they would consider my feelings! But that's how popular girls are. They're petty and rude. I and Kate have been talking for three weeks now, we have become even closer and I'm excited because I and her family are going camping today. I have a bunch of scary stories to tell to Kate, and I brought a pack of marshmallows.  We are on the road now, I don't know where we're headed. Me and Kate talked the whole way to the campsite, and we finally arrived. My mom and Kate's parents set up camp while me and kate messed around with the marshmallows, we tried to see who could catch one in their mouth but we got told to stop because we shouldn't waste the marshmallows, disappointing. I wanted to skateboard, but the concrete pathways around the whole campsite were rocky and muddy. I wish I could, but I have Kate to entertain me! I'm glad I've finally made a friend. She wouldn't talk to me last week and I'm not sure why, I'm glad she'll talk to me now though, Kate is the first person who has ever really cared about me, of course, my mom cares, but I mean in a friend way. I've never had a friend like her and I'm really happy with her! I feel like Kate understands me, and cares about me, I've never felt that way with anyone, never had that connection with anybody, it's almost like she's always there when I need her. I'm scared of losing her, she's my first best friend and probably my last. I don't know if she sees me as anything more than a buddy, cause when you have a buddy, it's almost like you barely talk, barely see each other, but when you have a best friend, you do everything together, tell each other everything, paint each other's nails, listen to music together, dance, talk about boys, go shopping together, I've never had anyone to do any of those things with, but Kate, Kate has done almost every one of those things with me.

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