The summer.

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Hey, Max here. Summer just started, it's hot and sweaty. But never mind that.. no school! I guess this summer has alright started fine. I started this summer off by playing soccer. I have no friends to play with, so I just play with my dog, you're probably asking how that works.. and the answer is, I throw the ball, and he chases it and doesn't let me get it in the net. He is actually better at soccer than I am... but in my defense, I'm still learning, I think. I'm trying to make friends on my street, but it's kind of hard to do that when you play soccer with your dog every day, embarrassing, I know.. and this is why I have no friends. But I'm trying! I think there is a girl that lives on my street named.. hm... Kane?? No, who would be named that? Kate? Yeah, Kate. I've never actually seen Kate and she wasn't in any of my classes last year. I think she's new because everyone has randomly started talking about her, saying she's a cheerleader. Cheerleaders have always been impolite to me, last year, Chrissy Cunningham, bathrooms. I was in the bathroom, in the stall, and I heard her and some of her friends come in the bathroom, they were talking about some girl and they heard me and yelled at me. I don't know how they knew it was me, but they just did. That day was horrible, She and her friends were staring at me the whole rest of the day, I think they were going to beat me up at the end of the day. I skateboarded as fast as I could home, so I actually never got beat up and never heard from them again, until today. Chrissy doesn't live too far away from me, so I saw her riding her bike and she yelled at me once again, just like in the bathroom that one time. I never knew what I did but she just hated me. Besides that today I saw a red shiny car driving past my house, it looked like a cheerleader. It wasn't Chrissy, whoever she was, she had black hair. She seemed cool, she wore a ponytail and her hair, I like her hair. Later today, I found out that was Kate Schmidt. I went to her house today to tell her welcome to the neighborhood, my mom baked her cookies and we went to her house, her parents invited us inside and we had dinner. Kate's mom cooked really good food and the house smelt like freshly baked cookies, they had a lot of pictures of Kate when she was a little kid, surprisingly she wasn't that bad looking when she was a kid, and I don't mean that harshly, I'm just pretty sure everyone looked weird as a kid. My mom was taking forever talking to them so I just walked home, our house is across the street so it wasn't a big deal at all. It's been a week since that happened, and Kate hasn't talked to me at all since then. I've tried to talk to her, but this might not be the summer that, that happens. She doesn't hate me, so why won't she talk to me? Who knows why?

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