They Get Jealous • Mediterranean

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"No problem! I was starting to get jealous of her anyways," Toni says with a smile on his face.

- translations -

• Sí = Yes

• Hola = Hello

• Por favor = Please



A warm breeze hits your smiling face as you make your way through the beautiful city of Rome. You weren't going anywhere in particular, you just wanted to be outside to enjoy the nice weather.

You suddenly get pulled back to reality when a stranger takes you by the hand.

"Buongiorno! You-a look amazing bellə," the man says looking into your eyes. "How would you-a like to go on a date with-a me?"

"Oh grazie, but I already have a boyfriend," you tell the man.

"Come on, he-a doesn't have to know," he man says, tightening his grip on your wrist.

"No thanks! I'm not interested."

"Oh come on, you know you'd be better with me," he smirks, getting closer to you.

"No! Get away from me!" You yell, trying to shake him off of you.

Meanwhile, Lovino was shopping not too far away in a nearby market. When he hears you yelling he immediately becomes a worried mess, dropping his groceries and sprinting to your aid.

"Come on bellə! You-a should reconsider, I could treat you better than your boyfriend anytime!" The man purrs, sending a horrible shiver down your spine.

You feel relief in your wrist as it's pulled out of the man's grasp by... Lovi?!

"Lovi?! Oh thank god..." You say quietly.

You watch in horror and relief as Lovino brutally drags the man to the floor and beats his face into the ground.

"Per favore... stop..." the man pleads.

You continue to watch the scene unfold. It was frightening, you had never seen Lovino so angry in your whole life.

"Far stare zitto brutto figlio di puttana bastardo!" Lovino yells, continuing to beat up the man.

Feeling pity for the man, you quickly pull Lovino off of him with all your strength.

"Lovi stop!" You say, struggling to hold him back. "Just look at him!"

When you say that, only then does he get a good look at what he's made of your harasser.

"It's not enough," Lovino states, looking down at the man.

"Lovi you're gonna get yourself thrown in jail!" You warn, trying to knock some sense into him. "Let's just get out of here," you say, looking at the creepy man one last time.

Lovino nods, putting his arm protectively around your shoulders.

Once you get far enough away from the creepy guy, you sigh shakily.

"Thank you for saving me Lovi... that was terrifying," you say, trying to regain your composure through shaky breaths.

Unexpectedly, Lovino hugs you tightly.

"I'm sorry, I-a should have come sooner..."

"It's fine Lovi, it's not like you could have known anyways," you say.

He nods, taking in your words.

"I'm so grateful to have you as my boyfriend," you grin as you hug him tighter.

- translations -

• Buongiorno = Hello

• Grazie = Thanks

• Far stare zitto brutto figlio di puttana bastardo = Shut up you son of a bitch bastard



You and Heracles were eating out at a restaurant. It was an old, but sweet little place. You were sitting outside and enjoying the view from your table.

"This place is amazing!" You say. "I can't believe I've never come here before. Thanks for inviting me."

"It's no problem, I'm glad you like it," Heracles responds, happy that you're enjoying the restaurant.

All of the sudden, your body tenses up as you feel something brush against your leg. Overcoming your fear, you look down to see... a tiny kitten! You instantly grin and lean down to pet it.

"Hi little guy, want some food?" You ask the cat.

It meows at you in response.

"You're such a clever little kitty," you say, placing some food on the ground for the tiny cat. The cat quickly walks over to it and starts eating.

Once it's done, you start petting in, which it seemed to enjoy based of off the loud purring. It flops over, rolling around on the ground as you pet it some more.

"Meooow," you hear somebody say, which immediately takes your attention off of the cat.

"What the hell..." you whisper in confusion, wondering who could have made the meow.

You eventually meet your boyfriends eyes and realize what happened.

'He probably felt ignored,' you think, feeling guilty about forgetting about your boyfriend.

"Sorry Heracles!" You say in embarrassment. "The little kitty was just too cute..."

"It's okay," he says. "It's hard to resist the urge to pet every cat,"

"That's true," you chuckle.

You both get back to your meal and enjoy the rest of your day!



You and Sadık were feeling adventurous, so you decided to book a day tour of Ankara. Sadık wasn't very happy with that, saying that he would be able to provide a better tour, but ultimately decided to go with you anyways.

It was going pretty well and you were having a great time! The tour guide was a little odd though, every once in a while he would wink at you between sentences or stand closer to you. You were completely oblivious to his pathetic attempts at flirting, but Sadık noticed and he wasn't enjoying it.

"This is one of the most famous spots in the city! Lovers often used to come here," the tour guide explains to the group. "How fitting is it that there are me and my lover are here today?" He says, blowing you a kiss.

You cringe as everyone turns to look at you.

"Uhh, sorry but I'm not interested," you say bluntly. "I'm literally here with my boyfriend."

Feeling fed up with the stupid tour guide, you and Sadık walk away from the rest of the group, quitting the tour early.

"Ugh that guy was so annoying! You should have listened to me, I'm a way better guide than him, I know this city like the back of my hand!" Sadık rants. "Who does that guy think he is anyways?!"

"You can just admit you were jealous of him, you know," you tease.

"I was not jealous of him!" Sadık denies.

"If that's what you say," you shrug.


★ Hetalia Preferences / Boyfriend Scenarios ★Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora