Anne Boonchuy x Reader - Clowning Around

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You and Anne were waiting for class to start. The teacher didn't physically walk into your college classroom yet, but you guys still had time to kill. You and your trans friend were the class clowns. The two of you secretly liked each other, but would never admit it out loud. (Is it wrong that I want to marry Adult Anne? She's so pretty I can't-😍). The whole class was holding their stomach with tears in their eyes, until you all realized that the teacher was never going to show, so you guys all left the classroom and walked home.

As you were walking you heard someone call out your name. You turned around to see that it was your class clowning buddy. You waited for her to catch up to you. It was a pretty Autumn morning. The leaves on the trees were starting to fall off, and all you saw was red, orange, and yellow on the leaves. It was pleasant to have crisp sort of chilly weather.

"So Y/N, how have you been lately??" "I've been fine, just been in my head lately". "About, what p, if you don't mind me asking...." "just contemplating life" you responded. "Don't you ever feel like life has bigger and better things planed for you than some dumb old colleges?".
Anne gave you a thoughtful look. "Idk Y/N sometimes I go with the flow, and enjoy the ride with people I care about". Anne held your gloved hand tightly, and both of you gave loving/knowing looks. Since it was a Friday, you Anne shared secrets and kisses under the moonlit sky.

💕-The End- 💕

I like this one, it's kinda short and sweet. Yes, someone also requested this one, so I'm doing it while I have stable internet. Anyways, see you all later!!!!!

Amphibia x reader 🐸 💗Where stories live. Discover now