House of The Undying

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        Aegon would grow to favor the green, dragon hatchling within the days that had passed, affectionately naming the hatchling: "Rhaegal," after the fallen father he never knew. Daenerys had become attached to the black, dragon hatchling, herself as she had decided to name him: "Drogon," after her fallen husband. Both saw fit to name the golden hatchling: "Viserion," in honor of who their fallen uncle and brother use to be before his inevitable spout of madness.

        As the new Khal, Aegon decided that he would fulfill his uncle's promise to him and lead his newfound army on a quest for The Iron Throne. The Dothraki loyally followed their new Khal through the desert. Although, many, including the horse that Khal Drogo had gifted to Daenerys on their wedding day, would drop dead due to heat exhaustion. Doreah's brother was even beheaded by an enemy tribe when he had broken away from the group to hunt. To make matters worse, The Thirteen of Qarth were refusing to allow Aegon and his tribe to enter the city unless Aegon allowed them to see one of their dragons. Neither Daenerys or Aegon trusted these strangers with their new children so they obviously refused.

        "I am Aegon Targaryen, The Sixth of my name! When our dragons are grown, they are going to lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground! Turn us away and your city will be the first..." Aegon then threatened once The Spice Master had attempted to turn them away, in spite of Jorah's protests.

        "Ah, you truly are Aegon's ancestor but you said it, yourself: If we don't let you in, your people will die..." The Spice Master smirked.

        "Running in fear of a little boy is unbecoming of one of the greatest cities in all of Westeros..." Xaaro, the wealthiest man in all of Qarth objected as he stepped forward to challenge The Spice Master.

        "The boy threatens to burn our city and you wish to invite him in for a cup of wine?!" The Spice Master scoffed.

        "He is The Father of Dragons: You can not expect him to let his people die without breathing fire..." Xaaro challenged The Spice Master further. After a brief argument between Xaaro and The Spice Master, The Thirteen reluctantly agreed to allow Aegon's tribe to enter the city. After everyone had been cleaned up and fed, Aegon set out with the company of his aunt as well as his Hand in order to attempt to negotiate with the town's folk. Unfortunately, the party had no luck as many had turned them away. The only offer Aegon would receive was an offer to trade his aunt's body for one, small ship.

        When Aegon, Daenerys and Jorah returned to their latest, temporary dwelling, they found that it had been ransacked. Half of Aegon's tribe had either been slaughtered or had gone missing.

        "Where are our dragons?!" Aegon suddenly realized with great despair that his children with Daenerys had been stolen from them. Aegon was soon informed by one of his dying comrades that his dragons had been stolen by a Warlock and taken to The House of The Undying.

        "Khal Aegon? Khalisi? This is too dangerous...Just leave them..." Jorah begged as Aegon began to storm toward the tower with a protective rage, Daenerys timidly following behind him.

        "I'm not abandoning my children!" Aegon snapped before entering the tower without even a second thought. Daenerys briefly hesitated with fear before finally deciding to follow her nephew into the darkness of the tower.

        "Khal Aegon! Khalisi!" Jorah shouted after them only for his cries to fall on deaf ears.

        "Aegon?!" Daenerys called out into the darkness since her nephew had been walking too quickly for her to keep up. When she opened one of the many doors in search of her nephew, she saw King's Landing before her, just as Viserys had always described the city in the stories he would read to her and Aegon. Only to Daenerys' horror, the once, great city had been burned to the ground, reduced into nothing more than various piles of ash and rubble then she saw it: The Iron Throne, just as her brother had always described it.

        Daenerys stared at the chair made up of swords in awe as ash rained down upon it. She reached out to touch the handle of the Throne only to be startled by the cry of an infant. She instantly felt drawn to the sound as she followed it into a tent only to find her fallen husband holding the child they had lost.

        "Drogo? But...I saw you die..." Daenerys pointed out as she stared into the eyes of her deceased husband, in a trance of disbelief.

        "Perhaps I refused to enter The Nightlands without you..." Khal Drogo smirked as Daenerys approached him with caution.

        "Or perhaps I am dead and have yet to realize it..." Daenerys smiled softly in return before taking Rhaego, her beautiful, unborn child into her arms. Baby Rhaego cooed as he smiled up at his mother, Daenerys smiling down at him in return. In the meantime, Aegon followed the sound of his real children screeching, crying out for their parents to rescue them. He followed the screeching all the way to the top of the tower where he found his poor children chained up like common animals. His dragons all cried out at the sight of him as they attempted in vain to break free of their chains.

        "They miss their father..." The Warlock spoke up from the darkness, startling Aegon out of his train of thought.

        "They wish to be with you...Do you wish to be with them? Well, you shall be from sunrise until sunset and then sunrise again..." The Warlock taunted as he began to circle Aegon with malicious intent and before Aegon could even have a moment to realize what had happened, he had been chained to the walls by The Warlock.

        "When your dragons were born, our magic was reborn...Our magic is strongest in their presence and they are strongest in yours...Welcome home, Aegon Targaryen..." The Warlock smirked as he pulled Aegon's chains tighter.

        "This is not my home! My home is across The Narrow Seas where my people are waiting for me!" Aegon protested, his voice full of defiance.

        "Well, they are going to be waiting a long time..." The Warlock further taunted Aegon. Aegon then turned to look at his dragons of whom were all three staring up at him with expecting eyes.

        "Dracarys..." Aegon instructed as he turned to glare back at The Warlock. Rhaegal was the first to respond by coughing up a small puff of smoke. The Warlock frowned, sensing that something was amiss. He backed away as Aegon smirked at him.

        Soon, all three dragons lit The Warlock ablaze. The Warlock screamed in agony as he was burned alive.

        "NO!" Daenerys' screams soon followed when the illusion of her family had disappeared once The Warlock had been killed. Aegon frowned in concern at the sound of his aunt's screams as the chains melted from the bodies of him and his children. When Aegon found Daenerys curled up in a ball, sobbing hysterically, his Dothraki rags had been completely burned from his body, rendering him nude once again. He stared down at Daenerys in concern as he held Drogon and Viserion close whilst Rhaegal remained loyally perched upon his shoulder.

        Later that night, once they had left The House of The Undying, Aegon allowed what remained of his tribe to ransack Qarth. Whilst Jorah attempted to console the traumatized Daenerys, many were slaughtered under Aegon's command, the rest of The Thirteen included. They saved Xaaro for last, finding him in bed with none-other than Daenerys' own chambermaid, Doreah. With one, swift movement, Aegon used the scythe given to him by his Dothraki comrades to snatch the key to Xaaro's safe from around his neck. The action awoke Xaaro and Doreah with a start as they sat up to find themselves surrounded by an angry tribe of Dothraki Soldiers.

        "Khal Aegon! Please! He said you and Khalisi would never make it across The Narrow Seas!" Doreah began in vain to beg for her life as she and Xaaro were restrained by The Dothraki Soldiers.

        "Empty..." Aegon scowled once he had used Xaaro's key to open up his safe only to find it completely empty.

        "Thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson, Xaaro..." Aegon then smirked as his comrades forced Xaaro and Doreah into the safe.

        "Khal Aegon! Please!" Doreah begged as Aegon slowly closed the door to the safe.

        "I can get you an entire fleet of ships!" Xaaro attempted to negotiate but his and Doreah's cries fell on deaf ears as Aegon locked them within the safe to hopefully, suffocate to death. All though Xaaro's safe had been initially empty, Aegon's tribe had been able to steal enough riches from the houses of the deceased Thirteen in order for Aegon to buy a fleet of ships, himself. Soon, Aegon and what remained of his tribe would set sail across The Narrow Seas, towards Mereen.

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