Chapter 27 : Look, it's raining!

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Anne felt a shiver go through her spine—she wasn't sure if it was excitement, or anxiety—as she took her step out of the school, she looked over to Sasha, who was laughing a little, "Look, it's raining."

They were standing under an awning so they didn't get wet from the rain that was beginning to build up, Sasha looked over to her girlfriend's, "It was also raining the last date I took you on Boonchuy, maybe it should be our tradition~"

Marcy snorted, "Go out every time it rains?" Sasha nodded with a smirk, "Hell yeah."

Anne giggled, tucking some of her hair behind her ear as she responded, "Yeah okay, I'm down." Sasha pumped her fist up in victory, making the other two laugh.

Marcy finished her laughing with a happy sigh, she looked back at the ever-growing rain, "So... either of you have an umbrella?"

They both shook their head 'no', Marcy let out another sigh, except it was more annoyed, "Well then," she cracked her neck before continuing, "Let's run, girlfriends."

Sasha shook her hands out, "Alright, I'll drive, follow me."

They all took a deep breath in before sprinting to her car—Sasha in the front so they could follow her.

Once Sasha unlocked it, they immediately jumped into the car, Sasha in the driver's seat, Marcy in the passenger seat, and Anne in the middle back row seat.

Sasha looked down at her drenched clothes, "Ugh, how did it even start raining that hard! I swear it wasn't raining like, 20 minutes ago."

Marcy held up a piece of her drenched hair, "I know right! stupid rain."

However, Anne bursted out into laughter, her damp curls bouncing with her as she threw her head back, laughing so hard she was practically cackling.

Her girlfriends looked back at her with wide eyes and pink cheeks, surprised by her laughing, flustered by how adorable she looked while doing it.

After a couple of seconds of giggles, Anne calmed down, wiping a stray tear from her eye, "I-" she laughed lightly once again, "I'm sorry, you two are just so cute and so mad at the rain, it's funny!" she giggled.

Sasha and Marcy giggled too, the raven-haired girl leaning closer to her and wiping some rain off her cheek, "You're the adorable one, Anna-Banana."

Anne blushed at Marcy's compliment as she sat back in her seat, crossing her arms and asking, "So Sash, where are you gonna take your girls? romance us."

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows at the ravenette, "Me??! I chose last time!"

Marcy took a sharp breath in, making a hissing noise as she did, "Well, you see Sasha, you are the one driving so..."

Sasha pouted, putting her car into reverse and backing out of the parking space, mumbling to herself about how Marcy needed to get a license as she did.

When they parked, Anne tilted her head confused, "What's this?" she asked,

Marcy shuddered in her seat, Sasha looked back at Anne with a grin, "Rollerskating!"

Anne excitedly gasped, "Oh my god!! I love rollerskating!"

Sasha grabbed her umbrella, smiling back at Anne, "Same! it's just so fun!"

Marcy let out a groan.

Anne squealed as she waited by the entrance to the skating rink, excitedly bouncing back and forth on her skates, waiting for Marcy to finish tying her shoes.

Sasha was waiting by her, crossing her arms with a smirk on her face, seemingly not that interested in the rink, more interested in Marcy.

Anne looked over to her taller blonde girlfriend, "Aren't you excited to skate?" she asked, a big grin on her face.

Sasha looked over to her, smiling softly and quickly responding, "Yeah, yeah totally." then looking back to Marcy, her sneaky smirk right back on her face.

Anne furrowed her eyebrows, deciding to also look at Marcy to see what Sasha was looking at.

Marcy had finished tying her shoes, but she was just staring into the distance with a blank look on her face. Anne blinked a couple times before asking "What's wrong with Mars?"

They both kept looking at their Taiwanese girlfriend as they spoke, Sasha snickered a little, "She was getting on my nerves today so I brought us here! she absolutely hates rollerskating."

Anne tilted her head as she pouted her bottom lip confusedly, "...Why?"

"Last time she went rollerskating, she tripped and knocked over twelve random people in the process."

Anne's jaw dropped, she wasn't sure if she should be laughing, or feeling sorry. Anne tucked in her lips and nodded, "I'd probably hate rollerskating too if that happened to me."

Sasha tsked, "Nah, it was about time she got over it," she cupped her hands over her mouth, gently shouting to Marcy, "Marbles! girl hurry up!!"

That got Marcy out of her trance, she looked at her girlfriends with a blank look—that kinda reminded Anne of her cat—before sighing, nervously standing up and walking over to them very carefully, each step she took looked like her legs were made out of jelly from how shaky she was.

Finally, she made it to her lover's, Sasha looked like she was holding back laughter, Anne looked worried.

"You okay Mar-Mar?" the brunette asked, "we don't have to skate."

"Oh yes, we do!" Sasha argued, pushing both Anne and Marcy into the rink and laughing.

Anne stabilized herself quickly, but Marcy couldn't stop, she was flailing her arms around as she tried to stop herself somehow.

Luckily, Anne zoomed over to her just in time, stopping her before she ran into the wall. Once Marcy had came to a complete stop and was safe in Anne's arms, the brunette shot their third girlfriend a death glare, "Sasha Elizabeth Waybright!!"

Sasha quickly skated towards them, putting her arms up in defense as she stopped—but her smug grin did not help her case, "Sorry, my hand slipped."

Marcy squinted at Sasha, her arms and legs still shaking as she held onto Anne for dear life, "I'm going to push you into a river."

The blond snorted, "Yeah, good luck pushing me over, love." she held out her hands for them, "Now, are we gonna start skating?"

Marcy pouted, looking up at Anne, "You be in the middle, I don't want to hold Sasha's hand." but Sasha just smirked, leaning in front of Marcy's face and tilting her head, "Shh, Mars, your Aquarius is showing~"

Marcy gave her a middle finger, Anne just giggled, accepting Sasha's hand and squeezing Marcy's for a moment, "I'll hold her hand for you, Marcy."

Marcy turned up her nose, "Thank you, Anne." Sasha playfully rolled her eyes at her ravenette girlfriend, then looked at her brunette one, "You said you loved skating right? show us some moves~!"

Anne giggled, "Alright, well..." she began to skate slowly, taking her girlfriends with her—making sure Marcy wasn't going to fall, of course.

"I need to get a little bit of speed for this one, you two ready?"

"Totally." Sasha said, Marcy just let out an 'mhmm!'.

Anne let go of their hands, skating a bit faster and sorta in a zig-zag before prepping by bending her knees, then jumping in the air and doing a spinning axle, landing in a perfect 5th position.

She put her hands in the air, "How was that~"

Unfortunately, her proud-fullness did not last, because shortly after she heard Sasha yell, "Watch out!!"

Published :
December, 24th, 2022.

Word Count :

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