Chapter 11 : You wanna go out with me?

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Anne Happily closed Her Locker after getting all the things She needed for Home, leaving the School doors with a big grin on Her face.

Sure, She was a little upset that She didn't see Sasha or Marcy all day, but She assumed that had something to do with Her ankle.

But the reason She was so happy, was that She had gotten onto the Tennis Team! so She planned on getting Ice cream as a Victory treat.

However, when She put on Her raincoat hood and went outside, Her Happiness turned into Surprise.

She saw Sasha waiting in front of the School, just waiting there with an Umbrella.

Anne smiled as She walked up to Her, "Sasha!"

Sasha smirked, "Hey Anne~" She gave Her a tight hug, Which Anne did not mind.

as Sasha continued to hug Her, Anne furrowed Her eyebrows, "Where were you today? I couldn't find you at Lunch and you weren't responding to my Texts."

Sasha let go of Her, putting a hand on Her hip, "Well, I was with Marcy and Her Parents at Her Doctors Appointment for Emotional support, as one does, and I thought it would be rude to be on my Phone there, then I went home with Her and She forced me to watch 'Never had I ever' with Her and of course, I had to pay attention to that."

She sighed with a smile, "Then my Alarm went off telling me that it was time to ask you, so I drove here."

Anne chuckled, She raised an eyebrow, "Ask me...?"

Sasha tilted Her head a little with a smirk on Her face, "You wanna go out with me?"

Anne immediately blushed, "W-Wha?!?! but Mar-"

Sasha giggled a bit, "Like to go Ice cream or something, Usually I take Marcy but She has to stay in Bed today."

Anne let out a silent sigh, "Oh! okay, Yeah that sounds fun! I just have to go home really quickly and change." She pouted, "Someone thought it would be funny to open the window during class and I got soaked."

Sasha raised an eyebrow, She looked a bit angry, "Who?"

Anne hummed, "uh, Maggie Rayseaist I think."

Sasha let out an upset groan, "Of course it was Her, ugh, thanks for letting me know."

Anne furrowed Her eyebrows, "Uh, no problem...?"

Sasha smiled, "Anyways, back to the Ice cream, if you want you can just Text me your Address and I can pick you up from your House? so we won't spend a bunch of Money on Gas for no reason, y'know?"

Anne blushed a little, "O-Oh! yeah sure!" She got out Her phone and Quickly texted Her Address to Sasha, when She pressed send She looked back up at Sasha, "See you in a little bit~"

Sasha watched Her with light pink cheeks as Anne walked to Her car, "Alright, See you in a bit Cutie~"

Anne let out a tiny Squeal.


As soon as Anne got onto Her porch, She took off Her muddy shoes before unlocking the door and sprinting in and up the Stairs, Luckily, Her parents were still at work, so if She hurried, She could spend 3 hours out with Sasha before Her parents got home.

When She got upstairs She took off Her baggy Raincoat and Her drenched clothes and threw them into Her hamper.

She quickly put on a Short flowy white dress with blue flowers all over it and spaghetti straps.

She put on some Matte Black Tennisshoes, and grabbed a small white purse, She quickly stuffed Her wallet into it and grabbed an Umbrella before Sprinting down the Stairs again.

She peeked through Her window to check if Sasha was there, When She was She excitedly smiled.

Anne swiftly left Her house and locked the door behind Her, She then opened Her umbrella and walked over to Sasha's passenger seat.

She sat in it and rung out Her umbrella before putting it next to Her feet, She looked over to Sasha giggling a bit, "Sorry I look kinda rough, I need to be home before my Parents come home and I wanted to hang out with you as much as possible." She admitted with some blush on Her cheeks.

Sasha chuckled, "Aww Boonchuy, that's adorable."

Anne's blush spread, She put Her hands on Her lap and crossed Her ankles, "If you say so."

Sasha grabbed Her phone, "Before I start driving, you wanna listen to some Music?"

"I personally like girl in red, Mitski, Ariana Grande, that one song Dove Cameron released, BLACKPINK, Doja Cat, just name it."

Anne blushed a little, "...You like BLACKPINK...?"

Sasha smirked, "Yeah? you wanna listen to it?"

Anne excitedly nodded.

Sasha snorted at Her excitement, and almost tapped Her phone but stopped Herself, Anne tilted Her head, "Something wrong?"

Sasha sweetly smiled, "Oh! no, nothings wrong, I just," She placed Her phone down and faced Herself towards Anne, putting a hand under Her chin with one hand, "about what you said earlier, about looking 'rough',"

She took Her other hand and put a piece of hair behind Anne's ear, leaning in close to Her and whispering with a smirk, "You're absolutely stunning."

Anne's face was Beat red, She just let out a little squeak in return, Sasha giggled.

She then grabbed Her phone again, "BLACKPINK right?" She asked casually, as if She didn't just make Anne's brain stop Functioning properly.

Anne dumbly nodded as She put on Her seatbelt, "mhmm..."

Sasha pressed 'Shuffle' on Her BLACKPINK playlist, and the song 'Forever Young' came on as Sasha shifted Her car into Drive, "aw C'mon Anne, where did that cute Excitement go?"

Anne leaned back in Her seat and looked at Sasha with Her eyes only,

"Where did that Flintiness come from? what would your Girlfriend think about calling other girls stunning."

Unfortunately, instead of saying that, another Squeak just came out, earning another Giggle from Sasha as She drove.

Published :
August, 25th, 2022.

Word Count :

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