Chapter 4

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Fernwater creeped slowly towards the window, trying not to make a sound. She had stuffed some apples under her fern blankets to form a sleeping figure. Peering out over the window ledge she could see Ash, Orion and Sirius conversing worriedly. Slipped out of the window Fernwater clung to the dome of her sleeping quarters, the shrub below her seems as if it was but small pieces of moss on a large leafing boulder. If she fell from here she might not make it.

Suddenly her talon slipped causing a large kowhai flower to fall towards the balcony where the adults were talking. Gently bumping against Sirius's snout. Who leaped back startled.

"Probably just some clumsy Kereru" saint Ash soothingly.

"Sorry, his whole dessies business has made me so on edge." replied Sirius apologetically.

"Don't worry we're all going through the same thing.' Ash conferred on her, putting her indigo talon on Sirius's shoulder.

"You're right, Brrr"Orion shivered. "It's getting chilly out here. We had better get back inside." The Trio trooped back into the nast, their spirits a little higher than before.

The islands climate varied dramatically, in the winter the tempreture drooped, cold enough to freeze your claws off if you happened to be dumb enough to stay outside all night. Sometimes they would have to drag half dead dragonets in from the icey cold. However in summer dragons were forced to retreat into the shade of the towering kophie, rimu and pohutukawa trees. And plunge into the many icy lakes that covered the island.

Fernwater continued to climb to the top of the spherical nest, from there she could continue on across the bow of a large manuka tree, through the canopy and to the large rock that had been their designated meeting place. As she travelled through the branches of a slender rimu, she startled a plump Tui just waking with the dawn light.

Fernwater had heard that the other tribes actually ate birds! Birds were sacred creatures to the Moontalons, as they were the only other animals on the island that had the ability of flight. Fruit and fish were the staples of every Moontalon diet. At this thought Fernwaters belly grumbled impatiently. She realised that other than the blackberrys back at the nest, she had not eaten since going to find Dewdrop. Never mind, I'll eat something when I get there. She thought, Picturing a particularly succulent blackberry patch near the rock.

As she bounded along, birds began to wake, disturbed by her noisy movements. Normally she could move quietly through the forest as silent as a mouse.But right now she was too excited to pay attention to oher noise level.

When she finally reached the moss speckled. Kakapo was waiting for her. Breathlessly he bounded up at the sight of her rushing forwards, brushing his scaly head against her own. Fernwater, surprised, stepped back. In turn Kakapo recoiled blushing, head bowed.

"So," he said, without his usual vigour. "Someone found you too?

"Yep," Fernwater replied, relieved that the awkward moment was over."But before we exchanged stories, I had an idea!"Hurriedly Fernwater explained her thoughts. Kakapo's brow furrowed deeply as she went on.

"So," she concluded, "What do you think?"

"I think that it makes sense, but how are we going to Manuka?" replied Kakapo. "We can't fly can we?"

"What do you mean?" Fernwater asked, confused.

"Hadn't you heard ? Manuka left on holiday for Hope's retreat this evening." Kakapo said. Hope's retreat was an island off the coast of Moontalon island. It was covered in Holiday houses belonging to rich council members, and no-one really knew how Manuka had managed to secure a place there.

"Dragon teeth!" Swore fernweater. How on earth are we going to get there!" Most Moontalons could only breathe in fresh water. If they spent too long in salt water their lungs would be permanently damaged. Her Aunt Sirius was one of the few that were immune to saltwater. This had made her one of the best explorers.

"We could always steal your parents' old boat?" replied Kakapo cautosly.

"Kakapo, are you crazy?Why would I want to do that?! Do you know how many bad memories are associated with that thing!" Fernwater exclaimed. Her parents had loved to sail. Before they had joined the council, they had taken her out with them aimlessly drifting for days at a time, on their boat the The Rains Dream. It was while doing this that they had taught her about all the islands in Reborn as well as the many birds and creatures that inhabited them. One day they stumbled upon the Karaka fruit and everything changed.

Then she remembered Ash and Orion! What were they going to think when they found her gone! Ash had gone ballistic when she had left for half a day!

"If we do leave I'll need to tell Ash and Orion where I'm going!" she told Kakapo.

"You can't do that! They never let them do anything anyway! DO you really think that they would let you go on a night's journey to Hope's retreat? '' Exclaimed Kakapo exasperated.

"Do you think a letter would work?"

"If you feel better about it, sure"

Just then they heard the sound of footsteps behind them.

"Quick! Hide!" Whispered kakapo, hastily scrambling behind a boulder. Out into the clearing stepped Sirius and Ash who were conversing quietly.

"I'm worried about Fernwater," Ash said, brow furrowed. "She seemed really upset earlier."

"She will be fine, I mean she's not going to take a raft to the old continent, is she!" Soothed Sirius. "Come on, we had better head back before Orion gets worried.

That was it! That was the solution that they had been looking for. They could never take a boat, they were a rarity and a cuffafal was made if they were found missing. But rafts were fair game, they were simple to make and were often carried out to sea by the current.

"You do realise that neither of us has any idea how to use a raft." Kakapo said. He had obviously come to the same conclusion that she had.

"I know the basics! How long does it take it to get there?' stated Fernwater.

"Have a day by the wind and one by sea. And that's with a steady south wind!" he replied.

"Well we'll just have to pack enough food for two then! Chances are that we will end up on the lost continent. Do you know where we can secure a map?"

Gradually the Moons moved across the sky and gradually the trip grew ever closer. The duo gathered supplies and Fernwater composed her letter. But will it be enough to stop them from coming after us? She thought as she did her last talon stroke.

Finally the only thing they needed was the raft. They had decided to take it from the south side of the island where it would be easier to find the current that would lead them to the island. The raft that they had chosen was not decorative, but it looked sturdy enough and was bound together by thilk vines.

As they set sail, Fernwater looked back at her home. THoughts of all the dragons that she needed to save. Unless someone found a cure, the world as she knew it would be gone.

Quest for the Moon: Fernwater's Hope (Discontunued)Where stories live. Discover now