Chapter 2

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When she arrived at her destination Fernwater felt a sense of calm surrounding her. This was the place she went when she needed to be alone. No one except one other dragon knew about this place. But she wouldn't mind if that particular dragonet decided to show his face.

Fernwater took a moment to look over her surroundings. In front of her was a large mossy clearing. A clear blue brooke bubbled through the century. Asif water is filled with opals. On one side there was a large kophie tree in full bloom. Fernwater had strung garlands of sparkling stones through its branches like stars. At the top of the tree there hung a large blue glowing lantern. Giving light to the shady clearing.

Fernwater climbed rapidly up to the top of the tree and curled her nose under her wing. Sadness fills her and the sense of calm that had been so strong before began to disappear. Vanishing with the wind. Her life seemed as if there was only sadness. This plague would eventually hold everyone within its clutches. Fern water felt as if she was falling into a dark hole of misery of which there was no return.

But these miserable thoughts were interrupted by the sound of soft footsteps. She looked up and in front of her stood an aqua dragon. His eyes were like little navy pools.

"Kakapo." Fernwater called out.

"I thought that I would find you here." replied kakapo. Kakapo was Fernwaters best and only friend. Fernwater and Kakapo's parents were best friends so naturally they had bonded. Together they had found this place trying to fill their paperouse with as many birds as they could find to give to their ever enthusiastic teacher who also happened to be Kakapo's mother. Since then they have come here at every opportunity.

"I heard about Dewdrop." He continued quietly. His eyes were shimmering like mist over water.

"I really don't want to talk about that right now. It hurts to much" Fernwaters voice cracked and heaving sobs wracked her small body. She was shaking so much, it was as if she was about to fall apart.

'Don't you want to do something about it?' Kakapo replied questionably. His head tilting slightly to the side, brows furrowed.

"What could I do about the plague? I'm just one little useless dragonet!" She turned and sadly put her head back under her wing.

"Don't you care! We are in a world where everybody is dying! We have to do something. Nothing will ever change if we just lie around sadly waiting to die."

Kakapo's voice washed away the sadness and filled it with something else. Anger. Anger for her parents, for Dewdrop and all the other dragons who would not see another Sunset or Full Moon. All the dragons fernwater would never speak to again. But most of all she felt anger for herself. That she would have no future, no happy ending and her life would end as soon as she got the thing that was meant to be the best thing about being a Moontalon. Unless she

Did something. But what could she do that could change anything.

"How can you say that I care so much, that right now, I feel like I am about to fall apart. Like I'm dangling over the edge of a precipice and one little nudge will send me over the edge." This outburst caused Kakapo to step back abashed.

"I'm so sorry Fernwater. I just... We have to do something! But what?"

Quest for the Moon: Fernwater's Hope (Discontunued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora