"Okay. Let me wear one of your hoodies and let's do it." 

He gives my leg a squeeze and then bends down onto the floor, picking up the hoodie he took off from last night and hands it across to me, and I throw it across my head immediately, his t-shirt still across my body. He laughs as he stands up to go to the bathroom and I quickly jump out of bed, finding fresh underwear and a pair of jeans from my suitcase. My heart is in my throat for so many different reasons. Casual weekends in comfy clothes, glasses of champagne and home cooked food where literally the normal for us. We weren't big on going out for nights out unless it was with Danielle and Brad, and even then it would usually always end up back in our apartment. So this felt normal, natural almost, only it wasn't. It was far from it. 

He emerges back from the bathroom just a few minutes later and makes his way to his suitcase, pulling out the famous Dior aftershave and spraying himself with it. It only makes me laugh as I remember all the memories. 

"Did you leave me with your blazer on purpose?" I blurt out, and I walk across to him and take the bottle from his hand, turning it over in my fingers before putting the tip to my nose. He looks at me with a confused expression before he realises what I am referencing to, and then a smirk comes across his face. 

"Maybe. Did I cause an argument?"

I laugh, and then spray a pump onto my wrist before handing it him back. He always left a spare bottle at home when he was away with work on those final few months of our relationship, and I always left the house with a spray on each wrist. Danielle thought I was crazy, I probably was. 

"A little. More so between me and Danielle. She called me an idiot. Andrew calmed down when he knew you had to go home early." 

He chuckles and grabs my face, giving me a small kiss. 

"I didn't need to go home. I took Danielle and Brad out the following morning instead."

"So why did you?" 

He smiles, and pushes my hair behind my ear. "Cause I wouldn't have left without you if I saw you again in the morning. Tell me-" he pauses before he speaks again. "If I'd have text you my room number, when you unblocked my number, would you have come?" 

I pause and look at his eyes, and a sad smile washes over my face. 


"And if I told you I was stood outside your room the second you unblocked my number, hoovering above a text to tell you to come outside, would you believe me?" 

"What stopped you?" I ask, my breath in my throat. 

He smiles. "You told me you were happy. It's my own selfish greeds thats got us to this point here."

I smile. "Want to know a secret?" 

"Go on."

I lean into him, so our lips are almost touching but would still require one of us to lean forward an inch, and I smile. "I think I'm happier here. With you." 

And then I move from his touch and make my way to the bathroom, shutting the door and shutting him out but with a smile on my face. I hear him laughing as I lock the door. 


The drive into the village only takes us a couple off minutes, and its the most breath taking place I've ever seen. Its cobbled streets, its string of lights all around the town centre. We spend the whole time in a split of laughter and I can't stop touching him. His hands, his hair, his legs, and he mimics every moment of it. He parks his car outside a coffee job and he's at the side of the passenger door before I've even taken off my seatbelt. The chill in the air hits me immediately and I let out a small shudder which makes Austin rub his hand against my arm, his touch warming me in an instant. He locks the door and takes my hand in his, pulling me forward into the coffee shop. Its a small, quiet little place with Burgundy decor and it feels so inviting and comfortable. There's a young couple sat towards the back, and a man not far from them with a laptop, but other than that theres just the barista behind the till who's just smiled and asked how we are. Austin speaks first, as I stand and smile, and then he ushes me to go forward and find a seat. 

I promised you. | Austin ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now