Chapter Eight-The Blue Box

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I ran until I was a few blocks away, then I stopped. I needed a plan. The Doctor could be heading for his "TARDIS" (he had told me the name in the taxi) at any time. I couldn't go in a car or a taxi because he could have already realized and started to go back.

I resolved to think about the rest of my plan while running, there was a short route I could take by foot and if I ran fast enough then I would be able to make it back faster than any taxi.

The first thing was the question of what I was actually planning to do. I knew I had to save John, but how should I go about it? Though I was almost 16 and had changed a lot in the last three years, there was no doubt that my dad would recognize me.

I wasn't really an expert on the subject of paradoxes but I was pretty sure that the least amount of people that saw, and recognized me, the better.

In no time, I was at the rooftop where I had first layed eyes on the TARDIS, and its Doctor. I turned to look down at the street below me and saw the Doctor getting out of a cab. He looked up at me and as far away as he was, I could still see the look of terror that he wore upon his face.

I knew I didn't have much time, I watched him disappear into the building and knew I had to get into the TARDIS fast.

I shoved the key into the lock but it was unlike any lock I'd ever seen before and opened as such. By the time I finally got the door open, I knew he would be only minutes away from getting to the roof.

I stepped into the blue police box and it felt like I'd just been punched in the stomach, a feeling I knew quite well because of the boxing lessons I took when I was 12. The space inside of the small blue box took up more space then was possible. I only allowed myself to stand in awe for a few seconds before I put it aside and set to locking the door.

After having unlocked the door, it was much easier to lock it and I locked it in mere seconds. I then looked up at the controls. It didn't take me long to realize there was no way I could control it without knowing how. To make matters worse, I started to hear someone banging on the outside of the TARDIS.

"Open up, Bella!" The Doctor shouted, "You don't know what you're doing! You don't understand the consequences!"

I understood the consequences just well, I just didn't care. He kept up the banging for a few more seconds and then stopped. It was more nerve wracking when he stopped because I knew he was up to something.

I reached into my bag and grabbed a gun.

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