Why did I see it?

Start from the beginning

Naina was pretty, but she seemed either worried or mad most of the time. She used to work as a clerk and was not so open to discussing her personal life so easily with anyone.

So Lily did not know much about her, but she did hang out with her on a few weekends. Both seemed to have a similarity of not having a family. Lily slipped into the peaceful world of dreams as time passed by.

The sky was dark outside with street lights casting a dim light, which was entering the apartment through her windows.

As she was about to be deep asleep, there was a knock on the door. She quickly got up and saw in the hole that it was her new neighbour. He was standing there with a bottle of wine and smiling cheerfully.

She hesitantly opened the door and gave a weak smile. He greeted her and held up the bottle. He asked her if they could spend the evening with a drink as he wanted to get to know his neighbour better.

She was curious as to why the neighbour was approaching her but was also a little scared. Still, she let him in and went to the kitchen to bring a few glasses.

He apologised if he had ruined any of her evening plans and thanked him for spending the time with him. They both spoke about mundane things and their lives.

He brought up the murder that had taken place and told her that he came to know that there were no leads for the police.

The place shifted into a dark and gloomy place for her. Someh, w he felt the shift in the place and asked if she was alright. She told him about how the dead girl was her neighbour and once she too used to come to her apartment. He consoled her and told her that they would see each other around.

The neighbour kept talking to her whenever they bumped into each other. But she had her suspicions on him, but soon they turned out to be true.

One night she was opening her door, the hallway was dark and the keys were jiggling in her hand as she struggled. The door would not open no matter how hard she tried. The door near hers creaked open slowly and a silhouetted figure started to approach her. She saw the figure creeping closer and closer. This was a nightmare, her breath began speeding up and her body started to shiver. She thought this was i , the killer is here for her now.

She thought only if she had not seen it, she might have not been stuck in this horror. Due to the sweat in her palm the keys slipped out and fell to the floor making the jiggles. The tears filled her vision as they rolled out onto her cheeks as they spilled out from her eyes. She was now a sobbing mess, the person getting near her made a shushing sound as they got closer. Her legs gave out and she started to whisper," please let me live, please ,please, I did not see anything, I swear".

The person bent down and took something out of their pocket. There was a light now blinding her sight, it went a little far from her face. She could tell that it was a flashlight from a mobile. A familiar voice asked her to calm down, then she knew it was Jack. He helped her with the keys and got her to sit on the couch.

"So you did see it huh?" He asked . She nodded "are you going to kill me" she asked . "No , I won't kill you"he smirked. He asked her if she really thought that he was the murderer. She was sobbing lightly and gave a nod. He told her that she was wrong because as he already told her, he was not the killer, but he did know who was.

She asked him if she could really believe him, so he took his mobile out and showed her a few picks. Lily saw Naina's and his photos, but there was something off. She could not really say if that was indeed Naina even though the face was exactly like hers. The woman in the pic somehow was pretty like Naina and looked more cheerful and lovely. So Lily asked him why he was doing this, he replied that it was proof that he knew the killer.

Jack told her the story of how he met the woman she saw in the pics. He told how cheerful and beautiful she was, the way she made him feel loved every time he looked in her eyes.

But a few days before he moved in here there was a shift in her behaviour. He felt as if she was not herself but someone completely different. This shift happened after she had gone out for a night to meet someone.

She had told him that it was someone special and left at 7 pm. But he had seen her mobile when she was in the shower and had felt suspicious of her when he saw few text messages in her mobile from a unknown number.

He knew that she would never cheat on him but the reason he was suspicious was because he had seen a hooded figure following her once and had tried to catch the person. He failed though, so he was worried that she was in danger.

As she went out he followed her from a distance but he stopped when she entered a building with a woman, he was worried but stayed outside the complex. She came out when the time was around 10pm. There was another woman who followed her out, the next thing he saw was a woman attacking another. It was pitch dark, the street lights were not working properly. But he saw the woman standing looking up at the apartment. That is when he saw a woman her window looking down. The woman standing on the ground waved at the woman in the window. He was trying to figure out the woman who had seen the murder just like him. At the same time the woman ran away from the murder sight . He was too scared to make a move but when he did reach his house he saw his girlfriend sitting on the bed.

She asked him where he had been so he lied. That night they both spent without another word. The very next day he saw the photo of the woman who was murdered. It was his girlfriend's picture, that is when he knew.

He observed her from that day and wondered if it was her or the other woman. But it did not take him long to figure out that the woman that died was his girlfriend. He wanted to go to the police but remembered the woman from the window and thought she could be another witness other than himself.

But he had to make haste as he knew the woman he was living with knew about her too. So he moved to the complex to protect the woman from the window as she might be the killer's next target. They broke up before he moved out .

Now this did not help Lily anymore but she agreed to help him and she asked him to leave as she was tired and had to rest. He told her to call him if needed and told her to be safe.

The door closed as she bid him goodbye but there was a noise from the kitchen. Lily thought she heard a few steps and quickly dialed his phone number before she made any more moves.

There she was Naina with a knife in her hand, she was creepily smiling as she took steps closer towards Layla.

But soon he came rushing back as he heard Lily saying not to hurt her in the call. He broke the door down with a few body slams and dialed for the emergency number.

It was a dark night, and there was rain as it was showering the earth. The blue and red lights of the police car beamed over Lily's face as she saw Naina being taken into the car. There were Jack's arms supporting her and wrapping around her shoulders.

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