Let Them Do It

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“Just let it go dad, okay?” I begged, walking towards the door “At least for a little while, try to let them come around on their own”

“Mmm” Dad grunted

I walked outside and sat down on the curb, I needed some silence. Rosa walked out after me and closed the door. I quickly jumped up and opened the door, dad letting out a breath of relief when he saw me.

“Fix the door handles”

“Yeah” dad nodded, instantly going to find his tools

I went back outside and sat down, and called Eli. Apparently he was destroying Demetri at Marido Kart, though by the tone of his voice I imagined that he was probably one or two points in front of Demetri. I hoped dad would listen to me and let things lie. I went for a bike ride to clear my head, I needed to think things over. Which of course led to a lot of unhelpful overthinking. I was an asshole. Dad was trying so hard and I wasn’t doing a thing. Didn’t I want Miguel and Robby to get along? Maybe if I’d let Tory win they’d be fine. If I hadn’t gotten so close to Miguel in the first place none of this would’ve happened. I never should’ve let these people in my life, it’s because of me they all get hurt. My dad and his stupid drama is my drama now, it has been ever since I started karate with Miguel. Ever since I got Eli to join, I turned him into Hawk, I created that monster. I made Sam, Tory and Robby upset. It’s all my-

“Oh shit!”

I wasn’t paying attention to where I was driving. I knew I was on a trail somewhere, and I knew I was on my way home, but I didn’t realize that I was headed off the edge of a cliff until I slammed on my breaks and flipped over the handlebars, tumbling down the hill. It was all gravel too, fuck me, thank god it’s still day time and not the middle of the night. I landed on my back at the bottom of the hill, reaching into my pocket for my inhaler as I started coughing. I sucked back some air and laid there for a few seconds. This is ridiculous, I just fell off my motorbike and went flying down a hill, this kind of shit only happens in movies and books. Not gonna lie, sometimes it felt like I was in some comedy drama tv series or something like that. Anywhore, I laid on the ground for a few more minutes until I got the strength to get back up and walk home. By the way do you know how difficult it is to walk a motorbike home? I got back to the apartment building and was greeted by the sounds of an airhorn? I parked the bike and walked over to dad, who was blowing said airhorn.

“Dad, what’s going on?”

“Just- holy shit what happened?”

“Harley?” Robby came running out of the apartment

“What happened!” and there’s Miguel

“Guys it’s just a couple scrapes, and some ripped clothing. I went for a drive and accidentally drove my bike off the hill at Camberg” I explained “I was wearing my helmet, doesn’t even hurt”

“Oh good grief” Dad sighed, pulling me into a hug “I’m glad you’re okay”

“Yeah, me too” Miguel nodded, turning to go back to his apartment

“No hang on, you two stay put” Dad pointed at Miguel and Robby

“Are you kidding me dad-”

“I don’t how many times-”

“This is getting stupi-”

“Quiet!” Dad shouted, cutting all of us off, and shutting all of us up “You wanna hang on to your grudge? Fine, but at least be men about it, and put your fists where your mouths are” Huh?

“You want us to do what?” Robby asked

“Fight it out” dad answered “No points, no mats, just keep fighting until you get it all out of your systems”

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