chapter twenty-three

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Falling in love with Steve Harrington was like slipping into a warm bath or wrapping in blankets to watch the sunset, like coming home in the winter or waking up in the spring. Rory hadn't imagined that anything could feel so welcoming, so sure. For the past many years of her live she'd seen anxiety in roads she never even took and she'd danced in the possibility that she'd never feel safe in a decision or a feeling that floated through her mind.

When Rory looked at Steve she didn't see the complications that littered the road ahead and she didn't regret kissing in the rain or taking a phone call she could've let echo through her memory of a home. Instead she found herself smiling stupidly even when he was just doing something minor like washing dishes or yawning in the morning. It felt like she was thirteen again developing crushes that made her want to write his name with hers and whisper about him to her friends until her heart burst. The entire thing was so jovial, so reminiscent on a time she could hardly remember.

Of course their relationship was different to what could be expected. Rory couldn't hold his hand as they walked around Starcourt and she'd have to abruptly move away from him every time her brother came in sight of his friend. But she'd stay at his house instead of wandering bars with bitter drinks and sticky words.

Steve was different to what she'd expected. He was softer than she was and Rory was used to people being mean. He was vulnerability wrapped in warm sweaters and hairspray and he'd talk for hours while Rory brushed his hair with her fingers and drank every word as though she was a teenager with a desire to be drunk on it all. She liked holding onto him and seeing him laugh. It was like reading a book from the beginning, turning pages with fluttering anticipation and she'd read forever if it meant she could know Steve Harrington inside out.

They bounced well off each other because while Steve found it easy to talk to her in a way that changed what everyone would think about him ,the idea of opening up made Rory want to jump out his window. It wasn't that he wasn't the perfect candidate to explain everything to but she wasn't sure exactly what her words meant to him. He'd rub patterns on her skin and smile like a child when she guessed certain words he was writing. He was a secure sense of patience and although Rory felt she'd told him enough to last a lifetime she knew there were parts of herself locked in forgotten childhoods and desires to be different.

Steve could be firm, protective. Rory saw it in his eyes when customers would flirt with her and although he tried to remain professional, his jealously and protectiveness seeped into his daily life like honey. Rory would squeeze his hand every time, waving the men off with their high powered jobs and their money. She saw patterns of her past but behind her Steve would be wearing the stupid sailors hat and waiting to kiss her as a reminder of how right it felt.

Rory slept next to him every other day, sneaking out when she heard her brother snoring. She'd practically race in her car until the headlights dazzled his bedroom window and he'd run to the door to envelope her in a hug.

Steve liked watching movies with her head to his chest. He was very stereotypical in his romance, buying flowers even though she had to sneak them into her house. The two bunches she'd accumulated sat on the table in front of her window, pale pink roses and bright carnations. She pressed the petals between heavy pages when they started to wilt and kept a memory of his gifts on her bedside table. Steve wanted to take her out on expensive dates but Rory always preferred walking in the woods or listening to music while they kissed.

There was a comfort in watching him sleep beside her. Rory had seen many men in situations that she couldn't forget but never had they wanted to keep her around long enough for her to appreciate the way they rested. Rory wondered in those days why she'd ever willingly walked into a place where she couldn't receive the sanctuary of it. Rory knew she'd never turn away from movie nights and quick kisses, holding hands and Steve. Rory watched him when he walked around and wondered if she could ever get bored of him. Realistically she knew she couldn't because Steve was everything she hadn't been aware she needed.

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